16. Third Party MFC Products

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

16. Third Party MFC Products

This section lists products that make the MFC developer's life easy. No OCX/VBX type products are listed here, go check some catalog. Where possible, I've put a review by someone!

Stingray Software, Inc.
(800) 924-4223
(919) 461-0672
Company that develops and markets MFC extension class libraries. Co-founded by Scot Wingo  - the original MFC FAQ dude. We have a full family of MFC extensions that should save you tons of time in your MFC projects. Many of our products were inspired by FAQs!
%%TODO: get a review
Premia CodeWright Fusion
(800) 547-9902
(503) 641-6000
Great add-in editor for MSVC, they have both 16 and 32-bit versions.
%%TODO: Get a review, anyone?
Nu-Mega Bounds-Checker
(800) 468-6342
(603) 889-2386
Lets you know if you've clobbered memory, has a special MFC feature so you can see class names and paths through message maps.
%%TODO: Review? We use it at Stingray all the time. Still not as good as Purify on Unix, but all we've got right now.