3.12. MFC 4.2

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

3.12. MFC 4.2

ISAPI classes added and actually usable OCX container support (still up for debate IMO).

%%TODO - get the date and more features.

3.12.1.  MFC 4.2b

MFC 4.2 had numerous bugs in the areas of the Internet classes, OLE controls, etc.

%%TODO - again, more specifics.

3.12.2.  MFC 4.21

Released on March 19, 1997 as part of Visual C++ 5.0, this is the latest and greatest MFC release. The only new feature added to this release is IntelliMouse ™ support which evidently took the better part of an afternoon for .B ekiM to bang out. This release also includes another round of bug fixes and I would say is by far the most stable MFC since 3.2 (this is due to all of the new features added, which is understandable).

Unfortunately, we now have a situation where the MFC release doesn't match VC++ - everybody on the newsgroups thinks they are using MFC 5.0, which doesn't exist. Help me set them straight!!