1.2. What's the goal of this FAQ?

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

1.2.  What's the goal of this FAQ?

The goal of this FAQ is to be a clearing house for answers to MFC questions commonly asked on primarily the Usenet newsgroups and the MFC List. We try not to duplicate the great documentation out there, the tech notes, MSDN, etc.. Hopefully you will look there first and then use this FAQ as your last resort. The FAQ will be much more interesting if you check those resources first, then we won't have to cover 'the basics'.

I'm trying to load the FAQ up with good phone numbers, CODE-CODE-CODE!, URLs and email addresses of places to call. I'll be putting 800 numbers first, and then the US number second. International folks hate it when there are only 800 numbers, so if you want a phone number in the FAQ, please send both.