3.10. MFC 4.0

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

3.10. MFC 4.0

MFC 4.0 was released with Visual C++ 4.0 in November of 1995. Microsoft skipped from Visual C++ 2.2 to 4.0 to synchronize numbers, which they later broke in VC++ 5.0, but that's life I guess.

Classes added in MFC 4.0:

  • CSynchronize
  • CMutex
  • CEvent
  • CMultiLock
  • CShellNew - Windows 95

Visual C++ 4.0 also includes the component gallery, STL support and tons of new features. Check out the Microsoft WWW for the details.

See FAQ section 11.24 and 13.7 for MFC/VC++ 4.0-specific questions.