Release Notes

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

Release Notes

The FAQ has been completely revamped to be more usable in today's HTML-based world. The MFC/Visual C++ FAQ has tons of answers to questions you may encounter, book reviews, Visual C++/MFC
undocumented secrets, an unauthorized history of MFC and much more!

We'll be updating the FAQ bi-monthly and future releases will include:

  • Samples that demonstrate the FAQs!
  • HTMLHelp edition!
  • Complete Visual C++ 6.0 coverage (when it is released) - including new MFC/ATL libraries.
  • Many new FAQs.

Many of you may not realize it, but we receive almost a hundred emails a day at MFC FAQ headquarters. Most of the emails are Instant-FAQ™ submissions, but many of them are questions about MFC. Unfortunately, we are not able to answer your questions, this would take far too long and it would only benefit one person - you. Instead, we urge you to post your question to a public forum, namely the MFC news groups or the MFC mailing list and we have even created a MFC FAQ newsgroup that we invite you to post questions to. By sharing your question and answer with the MFC community, many more people benefit from the experience. The MFC FAQ newsgroup and a variety of others are discussed in section 2.2. of the MFC FAQ.

FYI, George Shepherd and Scot are regular columnists for the Dr. Dobbs Journal (The Undocumented Corner Column)- and the Microsoft Systems Journal (The Visual Developer Column) - and also (phew!) Visual C++ Developer's Journal - so check out the new Shepherd/Wingo material monthly in these different mags. (The Stingray scoop and monthly Scot's Soapbox at are also updated pretty frequently.)

Michael Pickens and Scot Wingo - MFC FAQ dudes

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