12.1. Do I need a CWinApp object in a DLL?

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

12.1. Do I need a CWinApp object in a DLL?

The Microsoft Foundation Class Library supports two types of DLLs: _USRDLL and _AFXDLL. The _USRDLL model requires one CWinApp object to perform the initialization and cleanup of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library Windows classes that the DLL uses. This requirement is described in MFC Tech Note 11; the DLLTRACE sample demonstrates a _USRDLL that contains a CWinApp object.

An _AFXDLL does not require a CWinApp object. Because it shares the Microsoft Foundation Class Library classes with the application, it does not require a CWinApp to provide initialization and cleanup. Instead, an _AFXDLL requires a special version of LibMain() and a DLL initialization function.

MSVC Knowledge Base 6/4/95