The Language-Integrated Quantum Operations (LIQUi|>) Simulator
SpinFerro Method |
Test adiabatic evolution with a ferro-magnetic chain
Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Liquid
Assembly: Liquid1 (in Liquid1.dll) Version: 1.0.5981.24943 (1.0.*)

static member Ferro : repeat : int * sCnt : int * h0 : float * hn : float * J : float * gammalambda : FSharpOption<FSharpList<Tuple<int, float, float>>> * runonce : FSharpOption<bool> * decohereModel : FSharpOption<FSharpList<Tuple<FSharpFunc<Qubit, Unit>, float>>> -> unit
- repeat
- Type: SystemInt32
How many tests to run - sCnt
- Type: SystemInt32
How many qubits - h0
- Type: SystemDouble
-1,0,1 = left most down, random, up - hn
- Type: SystemDouble
-1,0,1 = right most down, random, up - J
- Type: SystemDouble
coupling: 1=ferro -1=anti 0=none - gammalambda
- Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionFSharpListTupleInt32, Double, Double
List of (time,gamma,lambda) tuples that define the annealing schedule (optional=[(30,0.0,1.0)]) - runonce
- Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionBoolean
true=run the simulation once and perform repeated 'virtual measurements'; false=run the simulation and measure each time (optional=false) - decohereModel
- Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionFSharpListTupleFSharpFuncQubit, Unit, Double
Decoherence probability per qubit per timestep [(gate,prob) list] optional=None