Fermion Properties

Liquid Quantum Simulator

Fermion Properties

The Fermion type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property bits
The mumber of phase estimation bits. This is the bit precision plus two.
Public property Circs
The built circuits, in bit order.
Public property currentCirc
The last circuit that was run (ungrown).
Public property decohereModel
The decoherence model for this Hamiltonian.
(Inherited from Hamiltonian.)
Public property eMax
The maximum energy for phase estimation.
Public property eMin
The minimum energy for phase estimation.
Public property Energy
The result of phase estimation, interpreted as an energy. This will always be between eMin and eMax. This value is only available after Run has been called.
Public property Ket
Gets the Ket vector associated with this Hamiltonian
(Inherited from Hamiltonian.)
Public property omega
The energy range, eMax - eMin, for phase estimation.
Public property order
The trotter order for phase estimation.
Public property Phase
The result of phase estimation, as an angle between 0 and 2*pi. This value is only available after Run has been called.
Public property trotterN
The trotter number for phase estimation.
Public property tTotal
The total evolution time for phase estimation. This is equal to 2*p1/omega.
Public property Ua
The gate function that implements a full Hamiltonian time step
See Also