CSMat Methods

Liquid Quantum Simulator

CSMat Methods

The CSMat type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Adj
Computes the adjoint (complex conjugate transpose) of this matrix.
Public method Clear
Clears out this matrix, setting all elements to zero.
Public method Copy
Makes a copy of this matrix.
Public method Dense
Creates a dense matrix from this sparse matrix.
Public method Dump
Dumps this matrix as a list of row-column indices and element complex values. Note that all non-zero elements are listed, so the output may be quite long.
Public method DumpDense
Dumps this sparse matrix in the same format as a dense matrix.
Public method DumpMCC
Dumps this matrix as a list of row-column indices and element squared magnitudes. Note that all non-zero elements are listed, so the output may be quite long.
Public method DumpML
Dumps this matrix in MatLab format.
Public method Equals(Object)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Equals(CSMat, FSharpOptionDouble)
Determines whether this matrix is equal to another.
Public method Filled
Return indicies of filled entries in the sparse matrix (may include zeros)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Kron(Int32)
Computes the Kronecker Product of this matrix with an identity matrix. The identity matrix is on the right-hand side of the product.
Public method Kron(CSMat)
Computes the Kronecker Product of this matrix with another matrix.
Public method Mul(CSMat)
Computes the product of this matrix and another matrix. Highly efficient.
Public method Mul(CVec)
Computes the product of this matric and a vector.
Public method Static member Read
Reads a matrix from a stream. The matrix must originally have been written using the Write method.
Public method ToString
Gets a string representation of this matrix. Note that all non-zero elements are listed, so this string may be quite long.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public method UnitaryError
Performs a rough check to see if this matrix is actually unitary. It calculates the biggest deviation from 1 of the diagonal elements of (this adj)*this. In other words, it calculates the largest deviation of the length of a row, viewed as a complex vector, from 1. The orthogonality of different rows is not checked.
Public method Write
Writes this matrix to a stream. The matrix may be recreated by using the Read method.
See Also