HamiltonianGates.Entangle Method

Liquid Quantum Simulator

HamiltonianGatesEntangle Method
Entangles a list of qubits. This is useful for building Jordan-Wigner strings.

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Liquid
Assembly: Liquid1 (in Liquid1.dll) Version: 1.0.5981.24943 (1.0.*)
static member Entangle : 
        ladder : FSharpList<Tuple<int, int>> * 
        qs : FSharpList<Qubit> -> unit 


Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CollectionsFSharpListTupleInt32, Int32
A list of pairs of qubit indices to entangle. Each entry should have a tuple of two indices that refer to qubits in the qs list. The entangle gate will wrap a sequence of CNOT gates, one for each tuple, each with the control being the first qubit in the tuple and the target being the second in the tuple. The CNOT gates are built in ladder list order.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CollectionsFSharpListQubit
The qubits to build the ladder from.
See Also