CVec Constructor (UInt64, FSharpOption(Double[]), FSharpOption(Double[]), FSharpOption(Boolean))

Liquid Quantum Simulator

CVec Constructor (UInt64, FSharpOptionDouble, FSharpOptionDouble, FSharpOptionBoolean)
Creates a new vector. By default, the vector is all zero. Optionally, the real and impaginary initial values may be provided; in this case, the vector must be no more than 2^20 in length.

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Liquid
Assembly: Liquid1 (in Liquid1.dll) Version: 1.0.5981.24943 (1.0.*)
new : 
        _len : uint64 * 
        rsInit : FSharpOption<float[]> * 
        isInit : FSharpOption<float[]> * 
        forceAlloc : FSharpOption<bool> -> CVec


Type: SystemUInt64
The length of the vector
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionDouble
Optional real parts of the initial values; if provided, there must be an entry for each element in the vector. Default is zero.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionDouble
Optional imaginary of the initial values; if provided, there must be an entry for each element in the vector. Default is zero.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionBoolean
Option to force complete (non-sparse) allocation of the vector; defaults to false
See Also