Operations Methods

Liquid Quantum Simulator

Operations Methods

The Operations type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member AD
Amplitude Damping Channel using two Kraus operators (always put the most probable one first)
Public method Static member Adj
Performs the adjoint of the parent gate. This only works if the parent gate is a unitary gate.
Public method Static member BC
Performs a gate under classical control. The parent gate will be executed if the control qubit has a measured value of One.
Public method Static member BCany
Performs a gate under classical control. This gate allows an arbitrary condition to be specified. The parent gate will be executed if the condition function evaluates to true.
Public method Static member CCgate
Performs a parent gate under two-qubit quantum control. The parent must be a unitary gate.
Public method Static member CCNOT
Performs a Toffoli or Controlled-Controlled-NOT gate
Public method Static member Cgate
Performs a parent gate under quantum control. The parent must be a unitary gate.
Public method Static member CgateNC
Performs a parent gate under quantum control. The parent must be a unitary gate. The resulting gate is not cached.
Public method Static member CNOT
Performs a quantum-controlled NOT gate
Public method Static member CZ
Performs a quantum-controlled Pauli Z gate.
Public method Static member DP
Depolarizing channel using four Kraus operators (always put the most probable one first)
Public method Static member H
Performs a Hadamard gate.
Public method Static member I
Performs a Pauli I (identify) gate.
Public method Static member JM
Performs a joint parity measurement in the given basis on a list of qubits. The result of the measurement is stored in the Ket's symbol table. The state vector is collapsed according to the result of the measurement.
Public method Static member JMx
Performs a joint parity measurement in the X basis on a list of qubits. The result of the measurement is stored in the Ket's symbol table. The state vector is collapsed according to the result of the measurement.
Public method Static member JMz
Performs a joint parity measurement in the computational basis on a list of qubits. The result of the measurement is stored in the Ket's symbol table. The state vector is collapsed according to the result of the measurement.
Public method Static member Label
Adds a label to a circuit drawing. The label will appear above the line representing the qubit, in the center of the current column. The label will take up no logical space; it will not fill the current cell.
Public method Static member LabelC
Adds a label to a circuit drawing. The label be centered in and will fill the current cell.
Public method Static member LabelCD
Adds a framed label to a circuit drawing. The label be centered in and will fill the current cell. The label will have a box drawn tightly around it.
Public method Static member LabelD
Adds a label to a circuit drawing. The label will appear below the line representing the qubit, in the center of the current column. The label will take up no logical space; it will not fill the current cell.
Public method Static member LabelL
Adds a label to a circuit drawing. The label will appear centered on the line representing the qubit, on the left side of the current column. The label will take up no logical space; it will not fill the current cell.
Public method Static member LabelR
Adds a label to a circuit drawing. The label will appear centered on the line representing the qubit, on the right side of the current column. The label will take up no logical space; it will not fill the current cell.
Public method Static member LabelRaw
Adds a raw label to a circuit drawing. The provided string should contain the Q-Circuit commands used to draw the label. Note that labels drawn using this gate will only appear when rendered to "qc" format.
Public method Static member LabelU
Adds a label to a circuit drawing. The label will appear above the line representing the qubit, in the center of the current column. The label will take up no logical space; it will not fill the current cell.
Public method Static member LoadCache
Preload the cache with basic gates: Paulis, measurement, Hadamard, phase, CNOT, Toffoli, swap, and T.
Public method Static member M
Performs a measurement of a single qubit in the computational basis. The result of the measurement is stored in the measured qubit; see Qubit.Bit. The state vector is collapsed according to the result of the measurement. The measured qubit becomes "classical" and must be reset before any further quantum gates are performed on it.
Public method Static member Native
Performs any desired native operations at this point in the circuit.
Public method Static member NativeDbg
Performs any desired native operations at this point in the circuit. This version doesn't appear in a circuit drawing.
Public method Static member PC
Performs a gate based on a classical condition. The parent gate is executed if the test function returns true. Typically this condition is based on the results of one or more joint parity measurements.
Public method Static member R
Performs a 2pi/2^K rotation gate gate.
Public method Static member Reset
Resets a qubit to a specified initial state after it has been measured. This allows quantum gates to be performed against the collapsed qubit. See the M gate.
Public method Static member Restore
Resets a qubit after it has been measured. This allows quantum gates to be performed against the collapsed qubit. The initial state of the qubit will be its last measured state. See the M gate.
Public method Static member S
Performs a phase gate.
Public method Static member SWAP
Performs a swap gate, exchanging the quantum states of two qubits.
Public method Static member T
Performs a pi/8 gate.
Public method Static member T_BC
Performs a transverse classically-controlled gate.
Public method Static member Transverse
Expands a parent gate to a transverse version.
Public method Static member X
Performs a Pauli X gate.
Public method Static member Y
Performs a Pauli Y gate.
Public method Static member Z
Performs a Pauli Z gate.
See Also