HamiltonianGates Methods

Liquid Quantum Simulator

HamiltonianGates Methods

The HamiltonianGates type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member CGtheta
Performs a controlled global phase rotation.
Public method Static member CRx
Performs a Controlled Pauli X rotation.
Public method Static member CRy
Performs a Controlled Pauli Y rotation.
Public method Static member CRz
Performs a Controlled Pauli Z rotation.
Public method Static member CTtheta
Performs a controlled T rotation.
Public method Static member Entangle
Entangles a list of qubits. This is useful for building Jordan-Wigner strings.
Public method Static member Gtheta
Performs a global phase rotation. This is functionally equivalent to Rpauli (2.0*theta) I qs, but has some additional drawing options.
Public method Static member LoadCache
Preload the cache with the ZZ, Ybasis, and YbasisAdj gates.
Public method Static member Rpauli
Performs an arbitrary rotation based on an existing gate. The base gate may be any unitary gate with a Hermitian, idempotent matrix. Of course, all Pauli gates satisfy this criteria.
Public method Static member Rx
Performs a Pauli X rotation. This is functionally equivalent to Rpauli theta X qs, but has some additional drawing options.
Public method Static member Ry
Performs a Pauli Y rotation. This is functionally equivalent to Rpauli theta Y qs, but has some additional drawing options.
Public method Static member Rz
Performs a Pauli Z rotation. This is functionally equivalent to Rpauli theta Z qs, but has some additional drawing options.
Public method Static member Ttheta
Performs a phase gate rotation. This is functionally equivalent to Rpauli (2.0*theta) T qs, but has some additional drawing options.
Public method Static member UnEntangle
Unentangles a list of qubits. This is useful for building Jordan-Wigner strings.
Public method Static member Ybasis
Performs a basis change from Z to Y.
Public method Static member YbasisAdj
Performs a basis change from Y to Z. This is the adjoint of Ybasis.
Public method Static member ZR
Performs a Pauli Z rotation. This is equivalent to Rpauli (2.0*theta) Z qs.
Public method Static member ZZ
Performs a ZZ gate: Pauli Zs on consectutive wires. This is used for coupling strength.
Public method Static member ZZR
Performs a Pauli ZZ rotation; that is, a simultaneous Z rotation of two qubits. This is equivalent to Rpauli (2.0*theta) ZZ qs.
See Also