What are locations?
The IPFX system allows you to place yourself at one of up to 10 locations. Locations describe your current availability: "in the office", "in a meeting", "gone out" and "on sick leave" are all examples of locations that you can choose to describe your whereabouts.
The IPFX system will inform colleagues and callers of your current location and, in most cases, of your expected return time.
By setting your location, you also tell the phone system how you want to handle incoming calls while you're away from your desk. For example: if you have "gone out", you might want to immediately divert callers to your mobile phone; if you are "in a meeting", you may prefer to have callers leave you a voicemail message instead; if you are "on sick leave", your voice mail system might invite callers to leave a message, but also give them the option of diverting to your home number for urgent matters. These are just examples the settings for each location are entirely configurable.