Glimpse.Core.ResourceResult Namespace

Glimpse API

Glimpse.Core.ResourceResult Namespace Glimpse API Documentation
All resource results which write [IResource] data to the framework provider are defined within this namespace.

  Class Description
Public class CacheControlDecorator
The ResourceResultDecorator implementation responsible providing Http caching to IResourceResult implementations via the Cache-Control Http response header.
Public class ExceptionResourceResult
The StatusCodeResourceResult implementation responsible returning .Net exceptions to a client in a way compatible with Http.
Public class FileResourceResult
The IResourceResult implementation responsible returning binary files to a client.
Public class HtmlResourceResult
The IResourceResult implementation responsible returning Html files to a client.
Public class JsonResourceResult
The IResourceResult implementation responsible returning Json data to clients.
Public class RedirectResourceResult
The IResourceResult implementation responsible redirecting a client to a new Uri.
Public class StatusCodeResourceResult
The IResourceResult implementation responsible returning simple status code/message pairs to a client.