PolicyDiscoverableCollectionElement Members

Glimpse API

PolicyDiscoverableCollectionElement Members Glimpse API Documentation

The PolicyDiscoverableCollectionElement type exposes the following members.


Public methodPolicyDiscoverableCollectionElement
Initializes a new instance of the PolicyDiscoverableCollectionElement class
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Protected methodOnlineDeserializeElement
Reads XML from the configuration file.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Compares the current OnlineConfigurationElement instance to the specified object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Gets a unique value representing the current OnlineConfigurationElement instance.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineGetTransformedAssemblyString
Returns the transformed version of the specified assembly name.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineGetTransformedTypeString
Returns the transformed version of the specified type name.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineInit
Sets the OnlineConfigurationElement object to its initial state.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineInitializeDefault
Used to initialize a default set of values for the OnlineConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineIsModified
Indicates whether this configuration element has been modified since it was last saved or loaded, when implemented in a derived class.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public methodOnlineIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the OnlineConfigurationElement object is read-only.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineListErrors
Adds the invalid-property errors in this OnlineConfigurationElement object, and in all subelements, to the passed list.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineOnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute
Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineOnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement
Gets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineOnRequiredPropertyNotFound
Throws an exception when a required property is not found.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlinePostDeserialize
Called after deserialization.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlinePreSerialize
Called before serialization.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineReset
Resets the internal state of the OnlineConfigurationElement object, including the locks and the properties collections.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineResetModified
Resets the value of the OnlineIsModified  method to false when implemented in a derived class.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineSerializeElement
Writes the contents of this configuration element to the configuration file when implemented in a derived class.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineSerializeToXmlElement
Writes the outer tags of this configuration element to the configuration file when implemented in a derived class.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineSetPropertyValue
Sets a property to the specified value.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected methodOnlineSetReadOnly
Sets the OnlineIsReadOnly  property for the OnlineConfigurationElement object and all subelements.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineUnmerge
Modifies the OnlineConfigurationElement object to remove all values that should not be saved.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodGetTypeOrNull
Returns the value of GetType if value is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToStringOrDefault
Returns the value of ToString if value is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
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Public propertyAutoDiscover
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Glimpse should automatically discover types at runtime.
(Inherited from DiscoverableCollectionElement.)
Public propertyContentTypes
Gets or sets a list of content types (aka media types or mime types).
Public propertyOnlineCurrentConfiguration
Gets a reference to the top-level OnlineConfiguration instance that represents the configuration hierarchy that the current OnlineConfigurationElement instance belongs to.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyDiscoveryLocation
Gets or sets the file path to the automatic discovery location or a particular Glimpse type. This property overrides the globally configured DiscoveryLocation in Section.
(Inherited from DiscoverableCollectionElement.)
Public propertyOnlineElementInformation
Gets an OnlineElementInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the OnlineConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineElementProperty
Gets the OnlineConfigurationElementProperty object that represents the OnlineConfigurationElement object itself.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineEvaluationContext
Gets the OnlineContextInformation object for the OnlineConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyIgnoredTypes
Gets or sets the list of types for Glimpse to ignore when they are automatically discovered.
(Inherited from DiscoverableCollectionElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineItem ConfigurationProperty 
Gets or sets a property or attribute of this configuration element.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineItem String 
Gets or sets a property, attribute, or child element of this configuration element.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockAllAttributesExcept
Gets the collection of locked attributes.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockAllElementsExcept
Gets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockAttributes
Gets the collection of locked attributes
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockElements
Gets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockItem
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineProperties
Gets the collection of properties.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyStatusCodes
Gets or sets a list of Http status codes.
Public propertyUris
Gets or sets a list of Uris.
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See Also