Section Properties

Glimpse API

Section Properties Glimpse API Documentation
The Section type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientScripts
Gets or sets the collection of IClientScripts that are injected into a page response by Glimpse.
Public propertyOnlineCurrentConfiguration
Gets a reference to the top-level OnlineConfiguration instance that represents the configuration hierarchy that the current OnlineConfigurationElement instance belongs to.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyDefaultRuntimePolicy
Gets or sets the default runtime policy. Glimpse will never be allowed to do more with a Http response than is specified in DefaultRuntimePolicy.
Public propertyDiscoveryLocation
Gets or sets the path Glimpse will use to auto discover all types.
Public propertyOnlineElementInformation
Gets an OnlineElementInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the OnlineConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineElementProperty
Gets the OnlineConfigurationElementProperty object that represents the OnlineConfigurationElement object itself.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyEndpointBaseUri
Gets or sets the base Uri endpoint for accessing all resources. The EndpointBaseUri is leveraged by an instance of ResourceEndpointConfiguration in order to generate dynamic resource Uris.
Protected propertyOnlineEvaluationContext
Gets the OnlineContextInformation object for the OnlineConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyInspectors
Gets or sets the collection of IInspectors that used to gather information about a site during Http requests.
Protected propertyOnlineItem ConfigurationProperty 
Gets or sets a property or attribute of this configuration element.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyOnlineItem String 
Gets or sets a property, attribute, or child element of this configuration element.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockAllAttributesExcept
Gets the collection of locked attributes.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockAllElementsExcept
Gets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockAttributes
Gets the collection of locked attributes
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockElements
Gets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyOnlineLockItem
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLogging
Gets or sets the logging settings used by Glimpse.
Protected propertyOnlineProperties
Gets the collection of properties.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyResources
Gets or sets the collection of IResources that provide endpoints to access server side data.
Public propertyRuntimePolicies
Gets or sets the collection of IRuntimePolicys that Glimpse will use to determine how it can manipulate any given Http response.
Public propertyOnlineSectionInformation
Gets a OnlineSectionInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the OnlineConfigurationSection object.
(Inherited from OnlineConfigurationSection.)
Public propertySerializationConverters
Gets or sets the collection of ISerializationConverters that Glimpse will use alter the default serialization output of any given type.
Public propertyServiceLocatorType
Gets or sets an IServiceLocator Glimpse will use to override default type resolution.
Public propertyTabs
Gets or sets the collection of ITabs that Glimpse will render in the client.
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