IDirectMusicPerformance8 Interface
The IDirectMusicPerformance8 interface is the overall manager of playback. It is used for adding and removing ports, mapping to ports, playing segments, dispatching messages and routing them through tools, requesting and receiving event notification, and setting and retrieving various parameters. It also has several methods for getting information about timing and for converting time and from one system to another.
If an application needs two complete sets of music playing at the same time, it can do so by creating more than one performance. Separate performances have separate tempos, whereas all segments within one performance must play at the same tempo.
IDirectMusicPerformance8 supersedes the IDirectMusicPerformance interface and adds new methods.
In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IDirectMusicPerformance8 interface exposes the following methods, arranged by category.
Method |
Description |
AllocPMsg |
Allocates memory for a performance message. |
ClonePMsg |
Makes a copy of a performance message. |
FreePMsg |
Frees memory allocated for a performance message. |
SendPMsg |
Sends a performance message. |
MIDI conversion
Method |
Description |
MIDIToMusic |
Converts a MIDI note value to a DirectMusic , using a supplied chord, subchord level, and play mode. |
MusicToMIDI |
Converts a DirectMusic music value to a MIDI note value. |
Method |
Description |
GetGlobalParam |
Retrieves global values from the performance. |
GetParam |
Retrieves data from a track. |
GetParamEx |
Retrieves data from a track, with support for self-controlling segments. |
SetGlobalParam |
Sets global values for the performance. |
SetParam |
Sets data on a track in the control segment. |
Performance channels
Method |
Description |
AssignPChannel |
Assigns a single to the performance and maps it to a port, group, and MIDI channel. |
AssignPChannelBlock |
Assigns a block of 16 performance channels to the performance and maps them to a port and a channel group. |
PChannelInfo |
Retrieves the port, group, and MIDI channel for a given performance channel. |
Method |
Description |
GetSegmentState |
Retrieves the currently playing primary segment state or the primary segment state that is playing at a given time. |
IsPlaying |
Ascertains whether a specified segment or segment state is currently being heard from the speakers. |
PlaySegment |
Begins playback of a segment. |
PlaySegmentEx |
Begins playback of a segment, with options for transition and audiopath. |
Stop |
Stops playback of a segment or segment state. |
StopEx |
Stops playback of a segment, segment state, or audiopath. |
Method |
Description |
AddPort |
Assigns a port to the performance. |
RemovePort |
Removes a port from the performance. |
Method |
Description |
AdjustTime |
Adjusts the internal performance time forward or backward. |
GetBumperLength |
Retrieves the interval between the time at which messages are placed in the port buffer and the time at which they begin to be processed by the port. |
GetLatencyTime |
Retrieves the latency time, which is the performance time being heard from the speakers plus the time required to queue and render messages. |
GetPrepareTime |
Retrieves the interval between the time when messages are sent by tracks and the time when the sound is heard. |
GetQueueTime |
Retrieves the earliest time in the queue at which messages can be flushed. |
GetResolvedTime |
Resolves a given time to a given boundary. |
GetTime |
Retrieves the current time of the performance. |
MusicToReferenceTime |
Converts a performance time in MUSIC_TIME format to performance time in REFERENCE_TIME format. |
ReferenceToMusicTime |
Converts a performance time in REFERENCE_TIME format to a performance time in MUSIC_TIME format. |
RhythmToTime |
Converts rhythm time to music time. |
SetBumperLength |
Sets the interval between the time at which messages are placed in the port buffer and the time at which they begin to be processed by the port. |
SetPrepareTime |
Sets the interval between the time when messages are sent by tracks and the time when the sound is heard. |
TimeToRhythm |
Converts music time to rhythm time. |
Method |
Description |
GetGraph |
Retrieves the toolgraph of a performance. |
SetGraph |
Replaces the performance's toolgraph. |
Method |
Description |
CloseDown |
Closes down the performance object. |
DownloadInstrument |
Downloads instrument data to a port. |
InitAudio |
Initializes the performance and optionally sets up a default audiopath. |
Invalidate |
Flushes all queued messages from the supplied time forward and causes all tracks of all segments to resend their data from the given time forward. |
Header: Declared in dmusici.h.
See Also
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