Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2004) |
DLS Structures
This section contains reference information for structures used with Downloadable Sounds. Most applications do not need to use these structures, because DirectMusic handles the details of loading DLS collections and downloading instruments to the synthesizer. They are of interest chiefly for applications that edit DLS.
For an overview of using DLS data, see Low-Level DLS.
For more information on DLS data formats, see the specification from the MIDI Manufacturers Association.
The following structures are included in this section.
Structure | Description |
DMUS_ARTICPARAMS | Describes parameters for a DLS |
DMUS_ARTICULATION | Describes a DLS level 1 articulation chunk. |
DMUS_ARTICULATION2 | Describes a DLS level 1 or level 2 articulation chunk. |
DMUS_COPYRIGHT | Describes an optional copyright chunk in DLS data |
DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO | Used as a header for DLS data to be downloaded to a port. |
DMUS_EXTENSIONCHUNK | Describes a DLS extension chunk. |
DMUS_INSTRUMENT | Contains an instrument definition in a DLS download chunk. |
DMUS_LFOPARAMS | Defines the low-frequency oscillator for a DLS articulation chunk |
DMUS_MSCPARAMS | Defines the pan for a DLS articulation chunk. |
DMUS_OFFSETTABLE | Used in the header of DLS instrument data being downloaded to a port. |
DMUS_PEGPARAMS | Defines the pitch envelope for a DLS level 1 articulation chunk. |
DMUS_REGION | Defines a region for a DLS download. |
DMUS_VEGPARAMS | Defines a volume envelope for a DLS level 1 articulation chunk. |
DMUS_WAVE | Defines a wave chunk for a DLS download. |
DMUS_WAVEARTDL | Contains information for downloading waveform articulation. |
DMUS_WAVEDATA | Contains a data chunk for a DLS waveform download. |
DMUS_WAVEDL | ontains information about waveform data downloaded to the synthesizer |
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