Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2004) |
Creating Audiopaths
Applications can set up audiopaths in the following ways:
- Create one or more standard audiopaths by using IDirectMusicPerformance8::CreateStandardAudioPath. See Standard Audiopaths.
- Create a default standard audiopath for the performance in the call to IDirectMusicPerformance8::InitAudio. See Default Audiopath.
- Have DirectMusic create an audiopath from the segment's audiopath configuration when the segment is played. Audiopaths created in this way are temporary and not visible to the application.
- Obtain an audiopath configuration from a file authored in DirectMusic Producer and pass the configuration object to IDirectMusicPerformance8::CreateAudioPath.
An audiopath configuration object can be loaded just like any other object, by using IDirectMusicLoader8::GetObject or IDirectMusicLoader8::LoadObjectFromFile. A configuration embedded in a segment can be retrieved by using IDirectMusicSegment8::GetAudioPathConfig.
The audiopath configuration object does not have a unique interface or methods, and your application cannot change the configuration in any way. All you can do with the object is pass it, by its IUnknown interface, to IDirectMusicPerformance8::CreateAudioPath. For example code, see Playing Sounds on Audiopaths.
Audiopath configurations are the only means of creating nonstandard audiopaths. For instance, if different
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