CoffeeLake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide: FSP_M_CONFIG Struct Reference

CoffeeLake Intel Firmware

CoffeeLake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide
FSP_M_CONFIG Struct Reference

Fsp M Configuration. More...

#include <FspmUpd.h>

Public Attributes

UINT64 PlatformMemorySize
 Offset 0x0040 - Platform Reserved Memory Size The minimum platform memory size required to pass control into DXE.
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr00
 Offset 0x0048 - Memory SPD Pointer Channel 0 Dimm 0 Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00.
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr01
 Offset 0x004C - Memory SPD Pointer Channel 0 Dimm 1 Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00.
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr10
 Offset 0x0050 - Memory SPD Pointer Channel 1 Dimm 0 Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00.
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr11
 Offset 0x0054 - Memory SPD Pointer Channel 1 Dimm 1 Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00.
UINT16 MemorySpdDataLen
 Offset 0x0058 - SPD Data Length Length of SPD Data 0x100:256 Bytes, 0x200:512 Bytes.
UINT8 DqByteMapCh0 [12]
 Offset 0x005A - Dq Byte Map CH0 Dq byte mapping between CPU and DRAM, Channel 0: board-dependent.
UINT8 DqByteMapCh1 [12]
 Offset 0x0066 - Dq Byte Map CH1 Dq byte mapping between CPU and DRAM, Channel 1: board-dependent.
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramCh0 [8]
 Offset 0x0072 - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM CH 0 Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 0: board-dependent.
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramCh1 [8]
 Offset 0x007A - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM CH 1 Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 1: board-dependent.
UINT16 RcompResistor [3]
 Offset 0x0082 - RcompResister settings Indicates RcompReister settings: CNL - 0's means MRC auto configured based on Design Guidelines, otherwise input an Ohmic value per segment. More...
UINT16 RcompTarget [5]
 Offset 0x0088 - RcompTarget settings RcompTarget settings: CNL - 0's mean MRC auto configured based on Design Guidelines, otherwise input an Ohmic value per segment. More...
UINT8 DqPinsInterleaved
 Offset 0x0092 - Dqs Pins Interleaved Setting Indicates DqPinsInterleaved setting: board-dependent $EN_DIS.
UINT8 CaVrefConfig
 Offset 0x0093 - VREF_CA CA Vref routing: board-dependent 0:VREF_CA goes to both CH_A and CH_B, 1: VREF_CA to CH_A and VREF_DQ_A to CH_B, 2:VREF_CA to CH_A and VREF_DQ_B to CH_B.
UINT8 SmramMask
 Offset 0x0094 - Smram Mask The SMM Regions AB-SEG and/or H-SEG reserved 0: Neither, 1:AB-SEG, 2:H-SEG, 3: Both.
UINT8 MrcFastBoot
 Offset 0x0095 - MRC Fast Boot Enables/Disable the MRC fast path thru the MRC $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RmtPerTask
 Offset 0x0096 - Rank Margin Tool per Task This option enables the user to execute Rank Margin Tool per major training step in the MRC. More...
UINT8 TrainTrace
 Offset 0x0097 - Training Trace This option enables the trained state tracing feature in MRC. More...
UINT32 IedSize
 Offset 0x0098 - Intel Enhanced Debug Intel Enhanced Debug (IED): 0=Disabled, 0x400000=Enabled and 4MB SMRAM occupied 0 : Disable, 0x400000 : Enable.
UINT32 TsegSize
 Offset 0x009C - Tseg Size Size of SMRAM memory reserved. More...
UINT16 MmioSize
 Offset 0x00A0 - MMIO Size Size of MMIO space reserved for devices. More...
UINT8 ProbelessTrace
 Offset 0x00A2 - Probeless Trace Probeless Trace: 0=Disabled, 1=Enable. More...
UINT8 GdxcIotSize
 Offset 0x00A3 - GDXC IOT SIZE Size of IOT and MOT is in 8 MB chunks.
UINT8 GdxcMotSize
 Offset 0x00A4 - GDXC MOT SIZE Size of IOT and MOT is in 8 MB chunks.
UINT8 SmbusEnable
 Offset 0x00A5 - Enable SMBus Enable/disable SMBus controller. More...
UINT8 SpdAddressTable [4]
 Offset 0x00A6 - Spd Address Tabl Specify SPD Address table for CH0D0/CH0D1/CH1D0&CH1D1. More...
UINT8 PlatformDebugConsent
 Offset 0x00AA - Platform Debug Consent To 'opt-in' for debug, please select 'Enabled' with the desired debug probe type. More...
UINT8 DciUsb3TypecUfpDbg
 Offset 0x00AB - USB3 Type-C UFP2DFP Kernel/Platform Debug Support This BIOS option enables kernel and platform debug for USB3 interface over a UFP Type-C receptacle, select 'No Change' will do nothing to UFP2DFP setting. More...
UINT8 PchTraceHubMode
 Offset 0x00AC - PCH Trace Hub Mode Select 'Host Debugger' if Trace Hub is used with host debugger tool or 'Target Debugger' if Trace Hub is used by target debugger software or 'Disable' trace hub functionality. More...
UINT8 PchTraceHubMemReg0Size
 Offset 0x00AD - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 0 buffer Size Specify size of Pch trace memory region 0 buffer, the size can be 0, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB. More...
UINT8 PchTraceHubMemReg1Size
 Offset 0x00AE - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 1 buffer Size Specify size of Pch trace memory region 1 buffer, the size can be 0, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB. More...
UINT8 PchPreMemRsvd [9]
 Offset 0x00AF - PchPreMemRsvd Reserved for PCH Pre-Mem Reserved $EN_DIS.
UINT8 IgdDvmt50PreAlloc
 Offset 0x00B8 - Internal Graphics Pre-allocated Memory Size of memory preallocated for internal graphics. More...
UINT8 InternalGfx
 Offset 0x00B9 - Internal Graphics Enable/disable internal graphics. More...
UINT8 ApertureSize
 Offset 0x00BA - Aperture Size Select the Aperture Size. More...
UINT8 UserBd
 Offset 0x00BB - Board Type MrcBoardType, Options are 0=Mobile/Mobile Halo, 1=Desktop/DT Halo, 5=ULT/ULX/Mobile Halo, 7=UP Server 0:Mobile/Mobile Halo, 1:Desktop/DT Halo, 5:ULT/ULX/Mobile Halo, 7:UP Server.
 Offset 0x00BC - SA GV System Agent dynamic frequency support and when enabled memory will be training at two different frequencies. More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace0
 Offset 0x00BD.
UINT16 DdrFreqLimit
 Offset 0x00BE - DDR Frequency Limit Maximum Memory Frequency Selections in Mhz. More...
UINT16 FreqSaGvLow
 Offset 0x00C0 - Low Frequency SAGV Low Frequency Selections in Mhz. More...
UINT16 FreqSaGvMid
 Offset 0x00C2 - Mid Frequency SAGV Mid Frequency Selections in Mhz. More...
 Offset 0x00C4 - Rank Margin Tool Enable/disable Rank Margin Tool. More...
UINT8 DisableDimmChannel0
 Offset 0x00C5 - Channel A DIMM Control Channel A DIMM Control Support - Enable or Disable Dimms on Channel A. More...
UINT8 DisableDimmChannel1
 Offset 0x00C6 - Channel B DIMM Control Channel B DIMM Control Support - Enable or Disable Dimms on Channel B. More...
UINT8 ScramblerSupport
 Offset 0x00C7 - Scrambler Support This option enables data scrambling in memory. More...
UINT8 SkipMpInit
 Offset 0x00C8 - Skip Multi-Processor Initialization When this is skipped, boot loader must initialize processors before SilicionInit API. More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace1 [15]
 Offset 0x00C9.
UINT8 SpdProfileSelected
 Offset 0x00D8 - SPD Profile Selected Select DIMM timing profile. More...
UINT8 RefClk
 Offset 0x00D9 - Memory Reference Clock 100MHz, 133MHz. More...
UINT16 VddVoltage
 Offset 0x00DA - Memory Voltage Memory Voltage Override (Vddq). More...
UINT8 Ratio
 Offset 0x00DC - Memory Ratio Automatic or the frequency will equal ratio times reference clock. More...
UINT8 OddRatioMode
 Offset 0x00DD - QCLK Odd Ratio Adds 133 or 100 MHz to QCLK frequency, depending on RefClk $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x00DE - tCL CAS Latency, 0: AUTO, max: 31.
 Offset 0x00DF - tCWL Min CAS Write Latency Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 34.
 Offset 0x00E0 - tRCD/tRP RAS to CAS delay time and Row Precharge delay time, 0: AUTO, max: 63.
 Offset 0x00E1 - tRRD Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 15.
 Offset 0x00E2 - tFAW Min Four Activate Window Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 63.
 Offset 0x00E4 - tRAS RAS Active Time, 0: AUTO, max: 64.
 Offset 0x00E6 - tREFI Refresh Interval, 0: AUTO, max: 65535.
 Offset 0x00E8 - tRFC Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 1023.
 Offset 0x00EA - tRTP Min Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 15. More...
 Offset 0x00EB - tWR Min Write Recovery Time, 0: AUTO, legal values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 34, 40 0:Auto, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 10:10, 12:12, 14:14, 16:16, 18:18, 20:20, 24:24, 30:30, 34:34, 40:40.
 Offset 0x00EC - tWTR Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 28.
UINT8 NModeSupport
 Offset 0x00ED - NMode System command rate, range 0-2, 0 means auto, 1 = 1N, 2 = 2N.
UINT8 DllBwEn0
 Offset 0x00EE - DllBwEn[0] DllBwEn[0], for 1067 (0..7)
UINT8 DllBwEn1
 Offset 0x00EF - DllBwEn[1] DllBwEn[1], for 1333 (0..7)
UINT8 DllBwEn2
 Offset 0x00F0 - DllBwEn[2] DllBwEn[2], for 1600 (0..7)
UINT8 DllBwEn3
 Offset 0x00F1 - DllBwEn[3] DllBwEn[3], for 1867 and up (0..7)
UINT8 IsvtIoPort
 Offset 0x00F2 - ISVT IO Port Address ISVT IO Port Address. More...
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMode
 Offset 0x00F3 - CPU Trace Hub Mode Select 'Target Debugger' if Trace Hub is used by target debugger software or 'Disable' trace hub functionality. More...
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMemReg0Size
 Offset 0x00F4 - CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 0 CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 0, The avaliable memory size is : 0MB, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB. More...
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMemReg1Size
 Offset 0x00F5 - CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 1 CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 1. More...
UINT8 PeciC10Reset
 Offset 0x00F6 - Enable or Disable Peci C10 Reset command Enable or Disable Peci C10 Reset command. More...
UINT8 PeciSxReset
 Offset 0x00F7 - Enable or Disable Peci Sx Reset command Enable or Disable Peci Sx Reset command; 0: Disable; 1: Enable. More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace2 [4]
 Offset 0x00F8.
UINT8 PchHdaEnable
 Offset 0x00FC - Enable Intel HD Audio (Azalia) 0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) Azalia controller $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PchIshEnable
 Offset 0x00FD - Enable PCH ISH Controller 0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) ISH Controller $EN_DIS.
UINT8 HeciTimeouts
 Offset 0x00FE - HECI Timeouts 0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) timeout check for HECI $EN_DIS.
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace3
 Offset 0x00FF.
UINT32 Heci1BarAddress
 Offset 0x0100 - HECI1 BAR address BAR address of HECI1.
UINT32 Heci2BarAddress
 Offset 0x0104 - HECI2 BAR address BAR address of HECI2.
UINT32 Heci3BarAddress
 Offset 0x0108 - HECI3 BAR address BAR address of HECI3.
UINT16 SgDelayAfterPwrEn
 Offset 0x010C - SG dGPU Power Delay SG dGPU delay interval after power enabling: 0=Minimal, 1000=Maximum, default is 300=300 microseconds.
UINT16 SgDelayAfterHoldReset
 Offset 0x010E - SG dGPU Reset Delay SG dGPU delay interval for Reset complete: 0=Minimal, 1000=Maximum, default is 100=100 microseconds.
UINT16 MmioSizeAdjustment
 Offset 0x0110 - MMIO size adjustment for AUTO mode Positive number means increasing MMIO size, Negative value means decreasing MMIO size: 0 (Default)=no change to AUTO mode MMIO size.
UINT8 DmiGen3ProgramStaticEq
 Offset 0x0112 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Static EQ Phase1 programming Program DMI Gen3 EQ Phase1 Static Presets. More...
UINT8 Peg0Enable
 Offset 0x0113 - Enable/Disable PEG 0 Disabled(0x0): Disable PEG Port, Enabled(0x1): Enable PEG Port (If Silicon SKU permits it), Auto(0x2)(Default): If an endpoint is present, enable the PEG Port, Disable otherwise 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:AUTO.
UINT8 Peg1Enable
 Offset 0x0114 - Enable/Disable PEG 1 Disabled(0x0): Disable PEG Port, Enabled(0x1): Enable PEG Port (If Silicon SKU permits it), Auto(0x2)(Default): If an endpoint is present, enable the PEG Port, Disable otherwise 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:AUTO.
UINT8 Peg2Enable
 Offset 0x0115 - Enable/Disable PEG 2 Disabled(0x0): Disable PEG Port, Enabled(0x1): Enable PEG Port (If Silicon SKU permits it), Auto(0x2)(Default): If an endpoint is present, enable the PEG Port, Disable otherwise 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:AUTO.
UINT8 Peg3Enable
 Offset 0x0116 - Enable/Disable PEG 3 Disabled(0x0): Disable PEG Port, Enabled(0x1): Enable PEG Port (If Silicon SKU permits it), Auto(0x2)(Default): If an endpoint is present, enable the PEG Port, Disable otherwise 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:AUTO.
UINT8 Peg0MaxLinkSpeed
 Offset 0x0117 - PEG 0 Max Link Speed Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1 Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed 0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3.
UINT8 Peg1MaxLinkSpeed
 Offset 0x0118 - PEG 1 Max Link Speed Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1 Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed 0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3.
UINT8 Peg2MaxLinkSpeed
 Offset 0x0119 - PEG 2 Max Link Speed Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1 Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed 0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3.
UINT8 Peg3MaxLinkSpeed
 Offset 0x011A - PEG 3 Max Link Speed Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1 Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed 0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3.
UINT8 Peg0MaxLinkWidth
 Offset 0x011B - PEG 0 Max Link Width Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link width, (0x1): Limit Link to x1, (0x2): Limit Link to x2, (0x3):Limit Link to x4, (0x4): Limit Link to x8 0:Auto, 1:x1, 2:x2, 3:x4, 4:x8.
UINT8 Peg1MaxLinkWidth
 Offset 0x011C - PEG 1 Max Link Width Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link width, (0x1): Limit Link to x1, (0x2): Limit Link to x2, (0x3):Limit Link to x4 0:Auto, 1:x1, 2:x2, 3:x4.
UINT8 Peg2MaxLinkWidth
 Offset 0x011D - PEG 2 Max Link Width Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link width, (0x1): Limit Link to x1, (0x2): Limit Link to x2 0:Auto, 1:x1, 2:x2.
UINT8 Peg3MaxLinkWidth
 Offset 0x011E - PEG 3 Max Link Width Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link width, (0x1): Limit Link to x1, (0x2): Limit Link to x2 0:Auto, 1:x1, 2:x2.
UINT8 Peg0PowerDownUnusedLanes
 Offset 0x011F - Power down unused lanes on PEG 0 (0x0): Do not power down any lane, (0x1): Bios will power down unused lanes based on the max possible link width 0:No power saving, 1:Auto.
UINT8 Peg1PowerDownUnusedLanes
 Offset 0x0120 - Power down unused lanes on PEG 1 (0x0): Do not power down any lane, (0x1): Bios will power down unused lanes based on the max possible link width 0:No power saving, 1:Auto.
UINT8 Peg2PowerDownUnusedLanes
 Offset 0x0121 - Power down unused lanes on PEG 2 (0x0): Do not power down any lane, (0x1): Bios will power down unused lanes based on the max possible link width 0:No power saving, 1:Auto.
UINT8 Peg3PowerDownUnusedLanes
 Offset 0x0122 - Power down unused lanes on PEG 3 (0x0): Do not power down any lane, (0x1): Bios will power down unused lanes based on the max possible link width 0:No power saving, 1:Auto.
UINT8 InitPcieAspmAfterOprom
 Offset 0x0123 - PCIe ASPM programming will happen in relation to the Oprom Select when PCIe ASPM programming will happen in relation to the Oprom. More...
UINT8 PegDisableSpreadSpectrumClocking
 Offset 0x0124 - PCIe Disable Spread Spectrum Clocking PCIe Disable Spread Spectrum Clocking. More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace4 [3]
 Offset 0x0125.
UINT8 DmiGen3RootPortPreset [8]
 Offset 0x0128 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset values per lane Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. More...
UINT8 DmiGen3EndPointPreset [8]
 Offset 0x0130 - DMI Gen3 End port preset values per lane Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. More...
UINT8 DmiGen3EndPointHint [8]
 Offset 0x0138 - DMI Gen3 End port Hint values per lane Used for programming DMI Gen3 Hint values per lane. More...
UINT8 DmiGen3RxCtlePeaking [4]
 Offset 0x0140 - DMI Gen3 RxCTLEp per-Bundle control Range: 0-15, 0 is default for each bundle, must be specified based upon platform design.
UINT8 TvbRatioClipping
 Offset 0x0144 - Thermal Velocity Boost Ratio clipping 0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled. More...
UINT8 TvbVoltageOptimization
 Offset 0x0145 - Thermal Velocity Boost voltage optimization 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled(Default). More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace5 [2]
 Offset 0x0146.
UINT8 PegGen3RxCtlePeaking [10]
 Offset 0x0148 - PEG Gen3 RxCTLEp per-Bundle control Range: 0-15, 12 is default for each bundle, must be specified based upon platform design.
UINT32 PegDataPtr
 Offset 0x0152 - Memory data pointer for saved preset search results The reference code will store the Gen3 Preset Search results in the SaDataHob's PegData structure (SA_PEG_DATA) and platform code can save/restore this data to skip preset search in the following boots. More...
UINT8 PegGpioData [28]
 Offset 0x0156 - PEG PERST# GPIO information The reference code will use the information in this structure in order to reset PCIe Gen3 devices during equalization, if necessary.
UINT8 PegRootPortHPE [4]
 Offset 0x0172 - PCIe Hot Plug Enable/Disable per port 0(Default): Disable, 1: Enable.
UINT8 DmiDeEmphasis
 Offset 0x0176 - DeEmphasis control for DMI DeEmphasis control for DMI. More...
UINT8 PrimaryDisplay
 Offset 0x0177 - Selection of the primary display device 0=iGFX, 1=PEG, 2=PCIe Graphics on PCH, 3(Default)=AUTO, 4=Switchable Graphics 0:iGFX, 1:PEG, 2:PCIe Graphics on PCH, 3:AUTO, 4:Switchable Graphics.
UINT16 GttSize
 Offset 0x0178 - Selection of iGFX GTT Memory size 1=2MB, 2=4MB, 3=8MB, Default is 3 1:2MB, 2:4MB, 3:8MB.
UINT32 GmAdr
 Offset 0x017A - Temporary MMIO address for GMADR The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GMADR Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GmAdr to (GmAdr + ApertureSize). More...
UINT32 GttMmAdr
 Offset 0x017E - Temporary MMIO address for GTTMMADR The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GTTMMADR Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GttMmAdr to (GttMmAdr + 2MB MMIO + 6MB Reserved + GttSize). More...
UINT8 PsmiRegionSize
 Offset 0x0182 - Selection of PSMI Region size 0=32MB, 1=288MB, 2=544MB, 3=800MB, 4=1024MB Default is 0 0:32MB, 1:288MB, 2:544MB, 3:800MB, 4:1024MB.
UINT8 SaRtd3Pcie0Gpio [24]
 Offset 0x0183 - Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 0 Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 0, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs.
UINT8 SaRtd3Pcie1Gpio [24]
 Offset 0x019B - Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 1 Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 1, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs.
UINT8 SaRtd3Pcie2Gpio [24]
 Offset 0x01B3 - Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 2 Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 2, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs.
UINT8 SaRtd3Pcie3Gpio [24]
 Offset 0x01CB - Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 3 Switchable Graphics GPIO information for PEG 3, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs.
UINT8 TxtImplemented
 Offset 0x01E3 - Enable/Disable MRC TXT dependency When enabled MRC execution will wait for TXT initialization to be done first. More...
UINT8 SaOcSupport
 Offset 0x01E4 - Enable/Disable SA OcSupport Enable: Enable SA OcSupport, Disable(Default): Disable SA OcSupport $EN_DIS.
UINT8 GtVoltageMode
 Offset 0x01E5 - GT slice Voltage Mode 0(Default): Adaptive, 1: Override 0: Adaptive, 1: Override.
UINT8 GtMaxOcRatio
 Offset 0x01E6 - Maximum GTs turbo ratio override 0(Default)=Minimal/Auto, 60=Maximum.
UINT16 GtVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x01E7 - The voltage offset applied to GT slice 0(Default)=Minimal, 1000=Maximum.
UINT16 GtVoltageOverride
 Offset 0x01E9 - The GT slice voltage override which is applied to the entire range of GT frequencies 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum.
UINT16 GtExtraTurboVoltage
 Offset 0x01EB - adaptive voltage applied during turbo frequencies 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum.
UINT16 SaVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x01ED - voltage offset applied to the SA 0(Default)=Minimal, 1000=Maximum.
UINT8 RootPortIndex
 Offset 0x01EF - PCIe root port Function number for Switchable Graphics dGPU Root port Index number to indicate which PCIe root port has dGPU.
UINT8 RealtimeMemoryTiming
 Offset 0x01F0 - Realtime Memory Timing 0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled. More...
UINT8 SaIpuEnable
 Offset 0x01F1 - Enable/Disable SA IPU Enable(Default): Enable SA IPU, Disable: Disable SA IPU $EN_DIS.
UINT8 SaIpuImrConfiguration
 Offset 0x01F2 - IPU IMR Configuration 0:IPU Camera, 1:IPU Gen Default is 0 0:IPU Camera, 1:IPU Gen.
UINT8 GtPsmiSupport
 Offset 0x01F3 - Selection of PSMI Support On/Off 0(Default) = FALSE, 1 = TRUE. More...
UINT8 GtusVoltageMode
 Offset 0x01F4 - GT unslice Voltage Mode 0(Default): Adaptive, 1: Override 0: Adaptive, 1: Override.
UINT16 GtusVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x01F5 - voltage offset applied to GT unslice 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum.
UINT16 GtusVoltageOverride
 Offset 0x01F7 - GT unslice voltage override which is applied to the entire range of GT frequencies 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum.
UINT16 GtusExtraTurboVoltage
 Offset 0x01F9 - adaptive voltage applied during turbo frequencies 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum.
UINT8 GtusMaxOcRatio
 Offset 0x01FB - Maximum GTus turbo ratio override 0(Default)=Minimal, 60=Maximum.
UINT8 SaPreMemProductionRsvd [4]
 Offset 0x01FC - SaPreMemProductionRsvd Reserved for SA Pre-Mem Production $EN_DIS.
UINT8 BistOnReset
 Offset 0x0200 - BIST on Reset Enable or Disable BIST on Reset; 0: Disable; 1: Enable. More...
UINT8 SkipStopPbet
 Offset 0x0201 - Skip Stop PBET Timer Enable/Disable Skip Stop PBET Timer; 0: Disable; 1: Enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 EnableC6Dram
 Offset 0x0202 - C6DRAM power gating feature This policy indicates whether or not BIOS should allocate PRMRR memory for C6DRAM power gating feature. More...
UINT8 OcSupport
 Offset 0x0203 - Over clocking support Over clocking support; 0: Disable; 1: Enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 OcLock
 Offset 0x0204 - Over clocking Lock Over clocking Lock Enable/Disable; 0: Disable; 1: Enable. More...
UINT8 CoreMaxOcRatio
 Offset 0x0205 - Maximum Core Turbo Ratio Override Maximum core turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU core frequency beyond the fused max turbo ratio limit. More...
UINT8 CoreVoltageMode
 Offset 0x0206 - Core voltage mode Core voltage mode; 0: Adaptive; 1: Override. More...
UINT8 DisableMtrrProgram
 Offset 0x0207 - Program Cache Attributes Program Cache Attributes; 0: Program; 1: Disable Program. More...
UINT8 RingMaxOcRatio
 Offset 0x0208 - Maximum clr turbo ratio override Maximum clr turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU clr frequency beyond the fused max turbo ratio limit. More...
UINT8 HyperThreading
 Offset 0x0209 - Hyper Threading Enable/Disable Enable or Disable Hyper Threading; 0: Disable; 1: Enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 CpuRatio
 Offset 0x020A - CPU ratio value CPU ratio value. More...
UINT8 BootFrequency
 Offset 0x020B - Boot frequency Sets the boot frequency starting from reset vector. More...
UINT8 ActiveCoreCount
 Offset 0x020C - Number of active cores Number of active cores(Depends on Number of cores). More...
UINT8 FClkFrequency
 Offset 0x020D - Processor Early Power On Configuration FCLK setting 0: 800 MHz (ULT/ULX). More...
UINT8 JtagC10PowerGateDisable
 Offset 0x020E - Set JTAG power in C10 and deeper power states False: JTAG is power gated in C10 state. More...
UINT8 VmxEnable
 Offset 0x020F - Enable or Disable VMX Enable or Disable VMX; 0: Disable; 1: Enable. More...
UINT8 Avx2RatioOffset
 Offset 0x0210 - AVX2 Ratio Offset 0(Default)= No Offset. More...
UINT8 Avx3RatioOffset
 Offset 0x0211 - AVX3 Ratio Offset 0(Default)= No Offset. More...
UINT8 BclkAdaptiveVoltage
 Offset 0x0212 - BCLK Adaptive Voltage Enable When enabled, the CPU V/F curves are aware of BCLK frequency when calculated. More...
UINT8 CorePllVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0213 - Core PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset. More...
UINT16 CoreVoltageOverride
 Offset 0x0214 - core voltage override The core voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu core frequencies. More...
UINT16 CoreVoltageAdaptive
 Offset 0x0216 - Core Turbo voltage Adaptive Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu core when the cpu is operating in turbo mode. More...
UINT16 CoreVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0218 - Core Turbo voltage Offset The voltage offset applied to the core while operating in turbo mode.Valid Range 0 to 1000.
UINT8 RingDownBin
 Offset 0x021A - Ring Downbin Ring Downbin enable/disable. More...
UINT8 RingVoltageMode
 Offset 0x021B - Ring voltage mode Ring voltage mode; 0: Adaptive; 1: Override. More...
UINT16 RingVoltageOverride
 Offset 0x021C - Ring voltage override The ring voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu ring frequencies. More...
UINT16 RingVoltageAdaptive
 Offset 0x021E - Ring Turbo voltage Adaptive Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu ring when the cpu is operating in turbo mode. More...
UINT16 RingVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0220 - Ring Turbo voltage Offset The voltage offset applied to the ring while operating in turbo mode. More...
UINT8 TjMaxOffset
 Offset 0x0222 - TjMax Offset TjMax offset.Specified value here is clipped by pCode (125 - TjMax Offset) to support TjMax in the range of 62 to 115 deg Celsius. More...
UINT8 BiosGuard
 Offset 0x0223 - BiosGuard Enable/Disable. More...
UINT8 BiosGuardToolsInterface
 Offset 0x0224.
UINT8 EnableSgx
 Offset 0x0225 - EnableSgx Enable/Disable. More...
 Offset 0x0226 - Txt Enable/Disable. More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace6
 Offset 0x0227.
UINT32 PrmrrSize
 Offset 0x0228 - PrmrrSize 0=Invalid, 32MB=0x2000000, 64MB=0x4000000, 128MB=0x8000000, 256MB=0x10000000.
UINT32 SinitMemorySize
 Offset 0x022C - SinitMemorySize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT32 TxtHeapMemorySize
 Offset 0x0230 - TxtHeapMemorySize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT32 TxtDprMemorySize
 Offset 0x0234 - TxtDprMemorySize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT64 TxtDprMemoryBase
 Offset 0x0238 - TxtDprMemoryBase Enable/Disable. More...
UINT32 BiosAcmBase
 Offset 0x0240 - BiosAcmBase Enable/Disable. More...
UINT32 BiosAcmSize
 Offset 0x0244 - BiosAcmSize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT32 ApStartupBase
 Offset 0x0248 - ApStartupBase Enable/Disable. More...
UINT32 TgaSize
 Offset 0x024C - TgaSize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT64 TxtLcpPdBase
 Offset 0x0250 - TxtLcpPdBase Enable/Disable. More...
UINT64 TxtLcpPdSize
 Offset 0x0258 - TxtLcpPdSize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT8 IsTPMPresence
 Offset 0x0260 - IsTPMPresence IsTPMPresence default values.
UINT8 ReservedSecurityPreMem [15]
 Offset 0x0261 - ReservedSecurityPreMem Reserved for Security Pre-Mem $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioRxSetCtleEnable [24]
 Offset 0x0270 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Rx Set Ctle Enable PCH PCIe Gen 3 Set CTLE Value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioRxSetCtle [24]
 Offset 0x0288 - PCH HSIO PCIE Rx Set Ctle Value PCH PCIe Gen 3 Set CTLE Value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmpEnable [24]
 Offset 0x02A0 - Enble PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 1 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmp [24]
 Offset 0x02B8 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmpEnable [24]
 Offset 0x02D0 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 2 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmp [24]
 Offset 0x02E8 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmpEnable [24]
 Offset 0x0300 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 3 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmp [24]
 Offset 0x0318 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 3 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value PCH PCIe Gen 3 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DeEmphEnable [24]
 Offset 0x0330 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DeEmph [24]
 Offset 0x0348 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment value PCH PCIe Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph3p5Enable [24]
 Offset 0x0360 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph3p5 [24]
 Offset 0x0378 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment value PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph6p0Enable [24]
 Offset 0x0390 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph6p0 [24]
 Offset 0x03A8 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment value PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen1EqBoostMagEnable [8]
 Offset 0x03C0 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen1EqBoostMag [8]
 Offset 0x03C8 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen2EqBoostMagEnable [8]
 Offset 0x03D0 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen2EqBoostMag [8]
 Offset 0x03D8 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen3EqBoostMagEnable [8]
 Offset 0x03E0 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen3EqBoostMag [8]
 Offset 0x03E8 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmpEnable [8]
 Offset 0x03F0 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmp [8]
 Offset 0x03F8 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmpEnable [8]
 Offset 0x0400 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmp [8]
 Offset 0x0408 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmpEnable [8]
 Offset 0x0410 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmp [8]
 Offset 0x0418 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DeEmphEnable [8]
 Offset 0x0420 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DeEmph [8]
 Offset 0x0428 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DeEmphEnable [8]
 Offset 0x0430 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DeEmph [8]
 Offset 0x0438 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DeEmphEnable [8]
 Offset 0x0440 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DeEmph [8]
 Offset 0x0448 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchLpcEnhancePort8xhDecoding
 Offset 0x0450 - PCH LPC Enhance the port 8xh decoding Original LPC only decodes one byte of port 80h. More...
UINT8 PchPort80Route
 Offset 0x0451 - PCH Port80 Route Control where the Port 80h cycles are sent, 0: LPC; 1: PCI. More...
UINT8 SmbusArpEnable
 Offset 0x0452 - Enable SMBus ARP support Enable SMBus ARP support. More...
UINT8 PchNumRsvdSmbusAddresses
 Offset 0x0453 - Number of RsvdSmbusAddressTable. More...
UINT16 PchSmbusIoBase
 Offset 0x0454 - SMBUS Base Address SMBUS Base Address (IO space).
UINT16 PcieImrSize
 Offset 0x0456 - Size of PCIe IMR. More...
UINT32 RsvdSmbusAddressTablePtr
 Offset 0x0458 - Point of RsvdSmbusAddressTable Array of addresses reserved for non-ARP-capable SMBus devices.
UINT32 PcieRpEnableMask
 Offset 0x045C - Enable PCIE RP Mask Enable/disable PCIE Root Ports. More...
UINT8 PcieImrEnabled
 Offset 0x0460 - Enable PCIe IMR 0:Disable, 1:Enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 ImrRpSelection
 Offset 0x0461 - Root port number for IMR. More...
UINT8 PchSmbAlertEnable
 Offset 0x0462 - Enable SMBus Alert Pin Enable SMBus Alert Pin. More...
UINT8 ReservedPchPreMem [13]
 Offset 0x0463 - ReservedPchPreMem Reserved for Pch Pre-Mem $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PcdDebugInterfaceFlags
 Offset 0x0470 - Debug Interfaces Debug Interfaces. More...
UINT8 PcdSerialIoUartNumber
 Offset 0x0471 - PcdSerialIoUartNumber Select SerialIo Uart Controller for debug. More...
UINT8 PcdIsaSerialUartBase
 Offset 0x0472 - ISA Serial Base selection Select ISA Serial Base address. More...
UINT8 GtPllVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0473 - GT PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset. More...
UINT8 RingPllVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0474 - Ring PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset. More...
UINT8 SaPllVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0475 - System Agent PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset. More...
UINT8 McPllVoltageOffset
 Offset 0x0476 - Memory Controller PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset. More...
UINT8 MrcSafeConfig
 Offset 0x0477 - MRC Safe Config Enables/Disable MRC Safe Config $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PcdSerialDebugBaudRate
 Offset 0x0478 - PcdSerialDebugBaudRate Baud Rate for Serial Debug Messages. More...
UINT8 HobBufferSize
 Offset 0x0479 - HobBufferSize Size to set HOB Buffer. More...
 Offset 0x047A - Early Command Training Enables/Disable Early Command Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x047B - SenseAmp Offset Training Enables/Disable SenseAmp Offset Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x047C - Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D Enables/Disable Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x047D - Read MPR Training Enables/Disable Read MPR Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x047E - Receive Enable Training Enables/Disable Receive Enable Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x047F - Jedec Write Leveling Enables/Disable Jedec Write Leveling $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0480 - Early Write Time Centering 2D Enables/Disable Early Write Time Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0481 - Early Read Time Centering 2D Enables/Disable Early Read Time Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0482 - Write Timing Centering 1D Enables/Disable Write Timing Centering 1D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0483 - Write Voltage Centering 1D Enables/Disable Write Voltage Centering 1D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0484 - Read Timing Centering 1D Enables/Disable Read Timing Centering 1D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0485 - Dimm ODT Training Enables/Disable Dimm ODT Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0486 - DIMM RON Training Enables/Disable DIMM RON Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0487 - Write Drive Strength/Equalization 2D Enables/Disable Write Drive Strength/Equalization 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0488 - Write Slew Rate Training Enables/Disable Write Slew Rate Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0489 - Read ODT Training Enables/Disable Read ODT Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x048A - Read Equalization Training Enables/Disable Read Equalization Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x048B - Read Amplifier Training Enables/Disable Read Amplifier Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x048C - Write Timing Centering 2D Enables/Disable Write Timing Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x048D - Read Timing Centering 2D Enables/Disable Read Timing Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x048E - Write Voltage Centering 2D Enables/Disable Write Voltage Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x048F - Read Voltage Centering 2D Enables/Disable Read Voltage Centering 2D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0490 - Command Voltage Centering Enables/Disable Command Voltage Centering $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0491 - Late Command Training Enables/Disable Late Command Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0492 - Round Trip Latency Training Enables/Disable Round Trip Latency Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0493 - Turn Around Timing Training Enables/Disable Turn Around Timing Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0494 - Memory Test Enables/Disable Memory Test $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0495 - DIMM SPD Alias Test Enables/Disable DIMM SPD Alias Test $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0496 - Receive Enable Centering 1D Enables/Disable Receive Enable Centering 1D $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0497 - Retrain Margin Check Enables/Disable Retrain Margin Check $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x0498 - Write Drive Strength Up/Dn independently Enables/Disable Write Drive Strength Up/Dn independently $EN_DIS.
UINT8 EccSupport
 Offset 0x0499 - ECC Support Enables/Disable ECC Support $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RemapEnable
 Offset 0x049A - Memory Remap Enables/Disable Memory Remap $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RankInterleave
 Offset 0x049B - Rank Interleave support Enables/Disable Rank Interleave support. More...
UINT8 EnhancedInterleave
 Offset 0x049C - Enhanced Interleave support Enables/Disable Enhanced Interleave support $EN_DIS.
UINT8 MemoryTrace
 Offset 0x049D - Memory Trace Enable Memory Trace of Ch 0 to Ch 1 using Stacked Mode. More...
UINT8 ChHashEnable
 Offset 0x049E - Ch Hash Support Enable/Disable Channel Hash Support. More...
UINT8 EnableExtts
 Offset 0x049F - Extern Therm Status Enables/Disable Extern Therm Status $EN_DIS.
UINT8 EnableCltm
 Offset 0x04A0 - Closed Loop Therm Manage Enables/Disable Closed Loop Therm Manage $EN_DIS.
UINT8 EnableOltm
 Offset 0x04A1 - Open Loop Therm Manage Enables/Disable Open Loop Therm Manage $EN_DIS.
UINT8 EnablePwrDn
 Offset 0x04A2 - DDR PowerDown and idle counter Enables/Disable DDR PowerDown and idle counter $EN_DIS.
UINT8 EnablePwrDnLpddr
 Offset 0x04A3 - DDR PowerDown and idle counter - LPDDR Enables/Disable DDR PowerDown and idle counter(For LPDDR Only) $EN_DIS.
UINT8 UserPowerWeightsEn
 Offset 0x04A4 - Use user provided power weights, scale factor, and channel power floor values Enables/Disable Use user provided power weights, scale factor, and channel power floor values $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RaplLim2Lock
 Offset 0x04A5 - RAPL PL Lock Enables/Disable RAPL PL Lock $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RaplLim2Ena
 Offset 0x04A6 - RAPL PL 2 enable Enables/Disable RAPL PL 2 enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RaplLim1Ena
 Offset 0x04A7 - RAPL PL 1 enable Enables/Disable RAPL PL 1 enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 SrefCfgEna
 Offset 0x04A8 - SelfRefresh Enable Enables/Disable SelfRefresh Enable $EN_DIS.
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinDefeatLpddr
 Offset 0x04A9 - Throttler CKEMin Defeature - LPDDR Enables/Disable Throttler CKEMin Defeature(For LPDDR Only) $EN_DIS.
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinDefeat
 Offset 0x04AA - Throttler CKEMin Defeature Enables/Disable Throttler CKEMin Defeature $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RhPrevention
 Offset 0x04AB - Enable RH Prevention Enables/Disable RH Prevention $EN_DIS.
UINT8 ExitOnFailure
 Offset 0x04AC - Exit On Failure (MRC) Enables/Disable Exit On Failure (MRC) $EN_DIS.
UINT8 DdrThermalSensor
 Offset 0x04AD - LPDDR Thermal Sensor Enables/Disable LPDDR Thermal Sensor $EN_DIS.
UINT8 Ddr4DdpSharedClock
 Offset 0x04AE - Select if CLK0 is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP Select if CLK0 is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP $EN_DIS.
UINT8 Ddr4DdpSharedZq
 Offset 0x04AF - Select if ZQ pin is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP ESelect if ZQ pin is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP $EN_DIS.
UINT16 ChHashMask
 Offset 0x04B0 - Ch Hash Mask Set the BIT(s) to be included in the XOR function. More...
UINT32 BClkFrequency
 Offset 0x04B2 - Base reference clock value Base reference clock value, in Hertz(Default is 125Hz) 100000000:100Hz, 125000000:125Hz, 167000000:167Hz, 250000000:250Hz.
UINT8 ChHashInterleaveBit
 Offset 0x04B6 - Ch Hash Interleaved Bit Select the BIT to be used for Channel Interleaved mode. More...
UINT8 EnergyScaleFact
 Offset 0x04B7 - Energy Scale Factor Energy Scale Factor, Default is 4.
UINT16 Idd3n
 Offset 0x04B8 - EPG DIMM Idd3N Active standby current (Idd3N) in milliamps from datasheet. More...
UINT16 Idd3p
 Offset 0x04BA - EPG DIMM Idd3P Active power-down current (Idd3P) in milliamps from datasheet. More...
 Offset 0x04BC - CMD Slew Rate Training Enable/Disable CMD Slew Rate Training $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x04BD - CMD Drive Strength and Tx Equalization Enable/Disable CMD Drive Strength and Tx Equalization $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x04BE - CMD Normalization Enable/Disable CMD Normalization $EN_DIS.
 Offset 0x04BF - Early DQ Write Drive Strength and Equalization Training Enable/Disable Early DQ Write Drive Strength and Equalization Training $EN_DIS.
UINT8 RhActProbability
 Offset 0x04C0 - RH Activation Probability RH Activation Probability, Probability value is 1/2^(inputvalue)
UINT8 RaplLim2WindX
 Offset 0x04C1 - RAPL PL 2 WindowX Power PL 2 time window X value, (1/1024)*(1+(x/4))*(2^y) (1=Def)
UINT8 RaplLim2WindY
 Offset 0x04C2 - RAPL PL 2 WindowY Power PL 2 time window Y value, (1/1024)*(1+(x/4))*(2^y) (1=Def)
UINT8 RaplLim1WindX
 Offset 0x04C3 - RAPL PL 1 WindowX Power PL 1 time window X value, (1/1024)*(1+(x/4))*(2^y) (0=Def)
UINT8 RaplLim1WindY
 Offset 0x04C4 - RAPL PL 1 WindowY Power PL 1 time window Y value, (1/1024)*(1+(x/4))*(2^y) (0=Def)
UINT16 RaplLim2Pwr
 Offset 0x04C5 - RAPL PL 2 Power range[0;2^14-1]= [2047.875;0]in W, (222= Def)
UINT16 RaplLim1Pwr
 Offset 0x04C7 - RAPL PL 1 Power range[0;2^14-1]= [2047.875;0]in W, (0= Def)
UINT8 WarmThresholdCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04C9 - Warm Threshold Ch0 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 WarmThresholdCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04CA - Warm Threshold Ch0 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 WarmThresholdCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04CB - Warm Threshold Ch1 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 WarmThresholdCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04CC - Warm Threshold Ch1 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 HotThresholdCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04CD - Hot Threshold Ch0 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 HotThresholdCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04CE - Hot Threshold Ch0 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 HotThresholdCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04CF - Hot Threshold Ch1 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 HotThresholdCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04D0 - Hot Threshold Ch1 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM. More...
UINT8 WarmBudgetCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04D1 - Warm Budget Ch0 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 WarmBudgetCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04D2 - Warm Budget Ch0 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 WarmBudgetCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04D3 - Warm Budget Ch1 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 WarmBudgetCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04D4 - Warm Budget Ch1 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 HotBudgetCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04D5 - Hot Budget Ch0 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 HotBudgetCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04D6 - Hot Budget Ch0 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 HotBudgetCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04D7 - Hot Budget Ch1 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 HotBudgetCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04D8 - Hot Budget Ch1 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.
UINT8 IdleEnergyCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04D9 - Idle Energy Ch0Dimm0 Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04DA - Idle Energy Ch0Dimm1 Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04DB - Idle Energy Ch1Dimm0 Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04DC - Idle Energy Ch1Dimm1 Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04DD - PowerDown Energy Ch0Dimm0 PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(5= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04DE - PowerDown Energy Ch0Dimm1 PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(5= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04DF - PowerDown Energy Ch1Dimm0 PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(5= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04E0 - PowerDown Energy Ch1Dimm1 PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(5= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04E1 - Activate Energy Ch0Dimm0 Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04E2 - Activate Energy Ch0Dimm1 Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04E3 - Activate Energy Ch1Dimm0 Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04E4 - Activate Energy Ch1Dimm1 Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04E5 - Read Energy Ch0Dimm0 Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04E6 - Read Energy Ch0Dimm1 Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04E7 - Read Energy Ch1Dimm0 Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04E8 - Read Energy Ch1Dimm1 Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyCh0Dimm0
 Offset 0x04E9 - Write Energy Ch0Dimm0 Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyCh0Dimm1
 Offset 0x04EA - Write Energy Ch0Dimm1 Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyCh1Dimm0
 Offset 0x04EB - Write Energy Ch1Dimm0 Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyCh1Dimm1
 Offset 0x04EC - Write Energy Ch1Dimm1 Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinTmr
 Offset 0x04ED - Throttler CKEMin Timer Timer value for CKEMin, range[255;0]. More...
UINT8 CkeRankMapping
 Offset 0x04EE - Cke Rank Mapping Bits [7:4] - Channel 1, bits [3:0] - Channel 0. More...
UINT8 RaplPwrFlCh0
 Offset 0x04EF - Rapl Power Floor Ch0 Power budget ,range[255;0],(0= 5.3W Def)
UINT8 RaplPwrFlCh1
 Offset 0x04F0 - Rapl Power Floor Ch1 Power budget ,range[255;0],(0= 5.3W Def)
UINT8 EnCmdRate
 Offset 0x04F1 - Command Rate Support CMD Rate and Limit Support Option. More...
UINT8 Refresh2X
 Offset 0x04F2 - REFRESH_2X_MODE 0- (Default)Disabled 1-iMC enables 2xRef when Warm and Hot 2- iMC enables 2xRef when Hot 0:Disable, 1:Enabled for WARM or HOT, 2:Enabled HOT only.
UINT8 EpgEnable
 Offset 0x04F3 - Energy Performance Gain Enable/disable(default) Energy Performance Gain. More...
UINT8 RhSolution
 Offset 0x04F4 - Row Hammer Solution Type of method used to prevent Row Hammer. More...
UINT8 UserThresholdEnable
 Offset 0x04F5 - User Manual Threshold Disabled: Predefined threshold will be used. More...
UINT8 UserBudgetEnable
 Offset 0x04F6 - User Manual Budget Disabled: Configuration of memories will defined the Budget value. More...
UINT8 TsodTcritMax
 Offset 0x04F7 - TcritMax Maximum Critical Temperature in Centigrade of the On-DIMM Thermal Sensor. More...
UINT8 TsodEventMode
 Offset 0x04F8 - Event mode Disable:Comparator mode. More...
UINT8 TsodEventPolarity
 Offset 0x04F9 - EVENT polarity Disable:Active LOW. More...
UINT8 TsodCriticalEventOnly
 Offset 0x04FA - Critical event only Disable:Trips on alarm or critical. More...
UINT8 TsodEventOutputControl
 Offset 0x04FB - Event output control Disable:Event output disable. More...
UINT8 TsodAlarmwindowLockBit
 Offset 0x04FC - Alarm window lock bit Disable:Alarm trips are not locked and can be changed. More...
UINT8 TsodCriticaltripLockBit
 Offset 0x04FD - Critical trip lock bit Disable:Critical trip is not locked and can be changed. More...
UINT8 TsodShutdownMode
 Offset 0x04FE - Shutdown mode Disable:Temperature sensor enable. More...
UINT8 TsodThigMax
 Offset 0x04FF - ThighMax Thigh = ThighMax (Default is 93)
UINT8 TsodManualEnable
 Offset 0x0500 - User Manual Thig and Tcrit Disabled(Default): Temperature will be given by the configuration of memories and 1x or 2xrefresh rate. More...
UINT8 ForceOltmOrRefresh2x
 Offset 0x0501 - Force OLTM or 2X Refresh when needed Disabled(Default): = Force OLTM. More...
UINT8 PwdwnIdleCounter
 Offset 0x0502 - Pwr Down Idle Timer The minimum value should = to the worst case Roundtrip delay + Burst_Length. More...
UINT8 CmdRanksTerminated
 Offset 0x0503 - Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated Offset 225 LPDDR4: Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated. More...
UINT8 GdxcEnable
 Offset 0x0504 - GDXC MOT enable GDXC MOT enable. More...
UINT8 PcdSerialDebugLevel
 Offset 0x0505 - PcdSerialDebugLevel Serial Debug Message Level. More...
UINT8 FivrFaults
 Offset 0x0506 - Fivr Faults Fivr Faults; 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled. More...
UINT8 FivrEfficiency
 Offset 0x0507 - Fivr Efficiency Fivr Efficiency Management; 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled. More...
UINT8 SafeMode
 Offset 0x0508 - Safe Mode Support This option configures the varous items in the IO and MC to be more conservative. More...
UINT8 CleanMemory
 Offset 0x0509 - Ask MRC to clear memory content Ask MRC to clear memory content 0: Do not Clear Memory; 1: Clear Memory. More...
UINT8 LpDdrDqDqsReTraining
 Offset 0x050A - LpDdrDqDqsReTraining Enables/Disable LpDdrDqDqsReTraining $EN_DIS.
UINT16 PostCodeOutputPort
 Offset 0x050B - Post Code Output Port This option configures Post Code Output Port.
UINT8 RMTLoopCount
 Offset 0x050D - RMTLoopCount Specifies the Loop Count to be used during Rank Margin Tool Testing. More...
 Offset 0x050E - BER Support Enable/Disable the Rank Margin Tool interpolation/extrapolation. More...
UINT8 DualDimmPerChannelBoardType
 Offset 0x050F - Dual Dimm Per-Channel Board Type Option to indicate if Board Layout includes One/Two DIMMs per channel. More...
UINT8 Ddr4MixedUDimm2DpcLimit
 Offset 0x0510 - DDR4 Mixed U-DIMM 2DPC Limitation Enable/Disable 2667 Frequency Limitation for DDR4 U-DIMM Mixed Dimm 2DPC population. More...
UINT8 ReservedFspmUpdCfl [2]
 Offset 0x0511 - CFL Reserved Reserved FspmConfig CFL $EN_DIS.
UINT8 MemTestOnWarmBoot
 Offset 0x0513 - Memory Test on Warm Boot Run Base Memory Test on Warm Boot 0:Disable, 1:Enable.
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinTmrLpddr
 Offset 0x0514 - Throttler CKEMin Timer - LPDDR Timer value for CKEMin (For LPDDR Only), range[255;0]. More...
UINT8 ReservedFspmUpd [10]
 Offset 0x0515.

Detailed Description

Fsp M Configuration.

Definition at line 56 of file FspmUpd.h.

Member Data Documentation

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ActiveCoreCount

Offset 0x020C - Number of active cores Number of active cores(Depends on Number of cores).

0: All;1: 1 ;2: 2 ;3: 3 0:All, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3

Definition at line 1007 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ApertureSize

Offset 0x00BA - Aperture Size Select the Aperture Size.

0:128 MB, 1:256 MB, 2:512 MB

Definition at line 267 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT32 FSP_M_CONFIG::ApStartupBase

Offset 0x0248 - ApStartupBase Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmBase , 1: enable

Definition at line 1170 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::Avx2RatioOffset

Offset 0x0210 - AVX2 Ratio Offset 0(Default)= No Offset.

Range 0 - 31. Specifies number of bins to decrease AVX ratio vs. Core Ratio. Uses Mailbox MSR 0x150, cmd 0x1B.

Definition at line 1033 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::Avx3RatioOffset

Offset 0x0211 - AVX3 Ratio Offset 0(Default)= No Offset.

Range 0 - 31. Specifies number of bins to decrease AVX ratio vs. Core Ratio. Uses Mailbox MSR 0x150, cmd 0x1B.

Definition at line 1039 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::BclkAdaptiveVoltage

Offset 0x0212 - BCLK Adaptive Voltage Enable When enabled, the CPU V/F curves are aware of BCLK frequency when calculated.

0: Disable; 1: Enable $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1046 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0240 - BiosAcmBase Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmBase , 1: enable

Definition at line 1160 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0244 - BiosAcmSize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmSize , 1: enable

Definition at line 1165 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0223 - BiosGuard Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, Enable/Disable BIOS Guard feature, 1: enable $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1110 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0200 - BIST on Reset Enable or Disable BIST on Reset; 0: Disable; 1: Enable.


Definition at line 931 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::BootFrequency

Offset 0x020B - Boot frequency Sets the boot frequency starting from reset vector.

  • 0: Maximum battery performance.- 1: Maximum non-turbo performance.- 2: Turbo performance.
    If Turbo is selected BIOS will start in max non-turbo mode and switch to Turbo mode. 0:0, 1:1, 2:2

Definition at line 1000 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x049E - Ch Hash Support Enable/Disable Channel Hash Support.

NOTE: ONLY if Memory interleaved Mode $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1704 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ChHashInterleaveBit

Offset 0x04B6 - Ch Hash Interleaved Bit Select the BIT to be used for Channel Interleaved mode.

NOTE: BIT7 will interlave the channels at a 2 cacheline granularity, BIT8 at 4 and BIT9 at 8. Default is BIT8 0:BIT6, 1:BIT7, 2:BIT8, 3:BIT9, 4:BIT10, 5:BIT11, 6:BIT12, 7:BIT13

Definition at line 1826 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04B0 - Ch Hash Mask Set the BIT(s) to be included in the XOR function.

NOTE BIT mask corresponds to BITS [19:6

Definition at line 1813 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::CkeRankMapping

Offset 0x04EE - Cke Rank Mapping Bits [7:4] - Channel 1, bits [3:0] - Channel 0.

0xAA=Default Bit [i] specifies which rank CKE[i] goes to.

Definition at line 2094 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0509 - Ask MRC to clear memory content Ask MRC to clear memory content 0: Do not Clear Memory; 1: Clear Memory.


Definition at line 2269 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::CmdRanksTerminated

Offset 0x0503 - Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated Offset 225 LPDDR4: Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated.

0x01=Default, Rank0 is terminating and Rank1 is non-terminating

Definition at line 2230 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0205 - Maximum Core Turbo Ratio Override Maximum core turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU core frequency beyond the fused max turbo ratio limit.

0: Hardware defaults. Range: 0-255

Definition at line 963 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::CorePllVoltageOffset

Offset 0x0213 - Core PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset.

0: No offset. Range 0-63

Definition at line 1051 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::CoreVoltageAdaptive

Offset 0x0216 - Core Turbo voltage Adaptive Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu core when the cpu is operating in turbo mode.

Valid Range 0 to 2000

Definition at line 1063 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::CoreVoltageMode

Offset 0x0206 - Core voltage mode Core voltage mode; 0: Adaptive; 1: Override.


Definition at line 969 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::CoreVoltageOverride

Offset 0x0214 - core voltage override The core voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu core frequencies.

Valid Range 0 to 2000

Definition at line 1057 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x020A - CPU ratio value CPU ratio value.

Valid Range 0 to 63. CPU Ratio is 0 when disabled.

Definition at line 992 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::CpuTraceHubMemReg0Size

Offset 0x00F4 - CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 0 CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 0, The avaliable memory size is : 0MB, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB.

Note : Limitation of total buffer size (CPU + PCH) is 512MB. 0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB

Definition at line 479 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::CpuTraceHubMemReg1Size

Offset 0x00F5 - CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 1 CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 1.

The avaliable memory size is : 0MB, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB. Note : Limitation of total buffer size (CPU + PCH) is 512MB. 0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB

Definition at line 486 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00F3 - CPU Trace Hub Mode Select 'Target Debugger' if Trace Hub is used by target debugger software or 'Disable' trace hub functionality.

0: Disable, 1:Target Debugger Mode

Definition at line 472 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DciUsb3TypecUfpDbg

Offset 0x00AB - USB3 Type-C UFP2DFP Kernel/Platform Debug Support This BIOS option enables kernel and platform debug for USB3 interface over a UFP Type-C receptacle, select 'No Change' will do nothing to UFP2DFP setting.

0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:No Change

Definition at line 222 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::Ddr4MixedUDimm2DpcLimit

Offset 0x0510 - DDR4 Mixed U-DIMM 2DPC Limitation Enable/Disable 2667 Frequency Limitation for DDR4 U-DIMM Mixed Dimm 2DPC population.

Disable(Default)=0, Enable=1 $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2305 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00BE - DDR Frequency Limit Maximum Memory Frequency Selections in Mhz.

Valid values should match the refclk, i.e. divide by 133 or 100 1067:1067, 1333:1333, 1400:1400, 1600:1600, 1800:1800, 1867:1867, 2000:2000, 2133:2133, 2200:2200, 2400:2400, 2600:2600, 2667:2667, 2800:2800, 2933:2933, 3000:3000, 3200:3200, 0:Auto

Definition at line 294 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DisableDimmChannel0

Offset 0x00C5 - Channel A DIMM Control Channel A DIMM Control Support - Enable or Disable Dimms on Channel A.

0:Enable both DIMMs, 1:Disable DIMM0, 2:Disable DIMM1, 3:Disable both DIMMs

Definition at line 320 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DisableDimmChannel1

Offset 0x00C6 - Channel B DIMM Control Channel B DIMM Control Support - Enable or Disable Dimms on Channel B.

0:Enable both DIMMs, 1:Disable DIMM0, 2:Disable DIMM1, 3:Disable both DIMMs

Definition at line 326 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DisableMtrrProgram

Offset 0x0207 - Program Cache Attributes Program Cache Attributes; 0: Program; 1: Disable Program.


Definition at line 975 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0176 - DeEmphasis control for DMI DeEmphasis control for DMI.

0=-6dB, 1(Default)=-3.5 dB 0: -6dB, 1: -3.5dB

Definition at line 765 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DmiGen3EndPointHint[8]

Offset 0x0138 - DMI Gen3 End port Hint values per lane Used for programming DMI Gen3 Hint values per lane.

Range: 0-6, 2 is default for each lane

Definition at line 712 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DmiGen3EndPointPreset[8]

Offset 0x0130 - DMI Gen3 End port preset values per lane Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane.

Range: 0-9, 7 is default for each lane

Definition at line 707 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DmiGen3ProgramStaticEq

Offset 0x0112 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Static EQ Phase1 programming Program DMI Gen3 EQ Phase1 Static Presets.

Disabled(0x0): Disable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming, Enabled(0x1)(Default): Enable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming $EN_DIS

Definition at line 566 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DmiGen3RootPortPreset[8]

Offset 0x0128 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset values per lane Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane.

Range: 0-9, 8 is default for each lane

Definition at line 702 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::DualDimmPerChannelBoardType

Offset 0x050F - Dual Dimm Per-Channel Board Type Option to indicate if Board Layout includes One/Two DIMMs per channel.

This is used to limit maximum frequency for some SKUs. 0:1DPC, 1:2DPC

Definition at line 2298 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0202 - C6DRAM power gating feature This policy indicates whether or not BIOS should allocate PRMRR memory for C6DRAM power gating feature.

  • 0: Don't allocate any PRMRR memory for C6DRAM power gating feature.- 1: Allocate PRMRR memory for C6DRAM power gating feature. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 945 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0225 - EnableSgx Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, Enable/Disable SGX feature, 1: enable, 2: Software Control 0: Disable, 1: Enable, 2: Software Control

Definition at line 1120 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x050E - BER Support Enable/Disable the Rank Margin Tool interpolation/extrapolation.

0:Disable, 1:Enable

Definition at line 2291 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04F1 - Command Rate Support CMD Rate and Limit Support Option.

NOTE: ONLY supported in 1N Mode, Default is 3 CMDs 0:Disable, 1:1 CMD, 2:2 CMDS, 3:3 CMDS, 4:4 CMDS, 5:5 CMDS, 6:6 CMDS, 7:7 CMDS

Definition at line 2110 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04F3 - Energy Performance Gain Enable/disable(default) Energy Performance Gain.


Definition at line 2122 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x020D - Processor Early Power On Configuration FCLK setting 0: 800 MHz (ULT/ULX).

1: 1 GHz (DT/Halo). Not supported on ULT/ULX.- 2: 400 MHz. - 3: Reserved 0:800 MHz, 1: 1 GHz, 2: 400 MHz, 3: Reserved

Definition at line 1014 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::FivrEfficiency

Offset 0x0507 - Fivr Efficiency Fivr Efficiency Management; 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled.


Definition at line 2257 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0506 - Fivr Faults Fivr Faults; 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled.


Definition at line 2251 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ForceOltmOrRefresh2x

Offset 0x0501 - Force OLTM or 2X Refresh when needed Disabled(Default): = Force OLTM.

Enabled: = Force 2x Refresh. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2218 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00C0 - Low Frequency SAGV Low Frequency Selections in Mhz.

Options are 1067, 1333, 1600, 1867, 2133, 2400, 2667, 2933 and 0 for Auto. 1067:1067, 1333:1333, 1600:1600, 1867:1867, 2133:2133, 2400:2400, 2667:2667, 2933:2933, 0:Auto

Definition at line 301 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00C2 - Mid Frequency SAGV Mid Frequency Selections in Mhz.

Options are 1067, 1333, 1600, 1867, 2133, 2400, 2667, 2933 and 0 for Auto. 1067:1067, 1333:1333, 1600:1600, 1867:1867, 2133:2133, 2400:2400, 2667:2667, 2933:2933, 0:Auto

Definition at line 308 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0504 - GDXC MOT enable GDXC MOT enable.


Definition at line 2236 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x017A - Temporary MMIO address for GMADR The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GMADR Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GmAdr to (GmAdr + ApertureSize).

Default is (PciExpressBaseAddress - ApertureSize) to (PciExpressBaseAddress

  • 0x1) (Where ApertureSize = 256MB)

Definition at line 785 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::GtPllVoltageOffset

Offset 0x0473 - GT PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset.

0: No offset. Range 0-63

Definition at line 1446 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x01F3 - Selection of PSMI Support On/Off 0(Default) = FALSE, 1 = TRUE.

When TRUE, it will allow the PSMI Support $EN_DIS

Definition at line 893 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x017E - Temporary MMIO address for GTTMMADR The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GTTMMADR Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GttMmAdr to (GttMmAdr + 2MB MMIO + 6MB Reserved + GttSize).

Default is (GmAdr - (2MB MMIO

  • 6MB Reserved + GttSize)) to (GmAdr - 0x1) (Where GttSize = 8MB)

Definition at line 793 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0479 - HobBufferSize Size to set HOB Buffer.

0:Default, 1: 1 Byte, 2: 1 KB, 3: Max value(assuming 63KB total HOB size). 0:Default, 1: 1 Byte, 2: 1 KB, 3: Max value

Definition at line 1480 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::HotThresholdCh0Dimm0

Offset 0x04CD - Hot Threshold Ch0 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1927 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::HotThresholdCh0Dimm1

Offset 0x04CE - Hot Threshold Ch0 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1932 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::HotThresholdCh1Dimm0

Offset 0x04CF - Hot Threshold Ch1 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1937 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::HotThresholdCh1Dimm1

Offset 0x04D0 - Hot Threshold Ch1 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1942 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04B8 - EPG DIMM Idd3N Active standby current (Idd3N) in milliamps from datasheet.

Must be calculated on a per DIMM basis. Default is 26

Definition at line 1837 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04BA - EPG DIMM Idd3P Active power-down current (Idd3P) in milliamps from datasheet.

Must be calculated on a per DIMM basis. Default is 11

Definition at line 1843 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::IgdDvmt50PreAlloc

Offset 0x00B8 - Internal Graphics Pre-allocated Memory Size of memory preallocated for internal graphics.

0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB, 0x02:64 MB

Definition at line 255 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ImrRpSelection

Offset 0x0461 - Root port number for IMR.

Root port number for IMR.

Definition at line 1411 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::InitPcieAspmAfterOprom

Offset 0x0123 - PCIe ASPM programming will happen in relation to the Oprom Select when PCIe ASPM programming will happen in relation to the Oprom.

Before(0x0)(Default): Do PCIe ASPM programming before Oprom, After(0x1): Do PCIe ASPM programming after Oprom, requires an SMI handler to save/restore ASPM settings during S3 resume 0:Before, 1:After

Definition at line 686 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00B9 - Internal Graphics Enable/disable internal graphics.


Definition at line 261 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00F2 - ISVT IO Port Address ISVT IO Port Address.

0=Minimal, 0xFF=Maximum, 0x99=Default

Definition at line 465 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::JtagC10PowerGateDisable

Offset 0x020E - Set JTAG power in C10 and deeper power states False: JTAG is power gated in C10 state.

True: keeps the JTAG power up during C10 and deeper power states for debug purpose. 0: False; 1: True. 0: False, 1: True

Definition at line 1021 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::McPllVoltageOffset

Offset 0x0476 - Memory Controller PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset.

0: No offset. Range 0-63

Definition at line 1461 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x049D - Memory Trace Enable Memory Trace of Ch 0 to Ch 1 using Stacked Mode.

Both channels must be of equal size. This option may change TOLUD and REMAP values as needed. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1698 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00A0 - MMIO Size Size of MMIO space reserved for devices.

0(Default)=Auto, non-Zero=size in MB

Definition at line 176 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0204 - Over clocking Lock Over clocking Lock Enable/Disable; 0: Disable; 1: Enable.


Definition at line 957 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PcdDebugInterfaceFlags

Offset 0x0470 - Debug Interfaces Debug Interfaces.

BIT0-RAM, BIT1-UART, BIT3-USB3, BIT4-Serial IO, BIT5-TraceHub, BIT2 - Not used.

Definition at line 1429 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PcdIsaSerialUartBase

Offset 0x0472 - ISA Serial Base selection Select ISA Serial Base address.

Default is 0x3F8. 0:0x3F8, 1:0x2F8

Definition at line 1441 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PcdSerialDebugBaudRate

Offset 0x0478 - PcdSerialDebugBaudRate Baud Rate for Serial Debug Messages.

3:9600, 4:19200, 6:56700, 7:115200. 3:9600, 4:19200, 6:56700, 7:115200

Definition at line 1473 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PcdSerialDebugLevel

Offset 0x0505 - PcdSerialDebugLevel Serial Debug Message Level.

0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error & Warnings, 3:Load, Error, Warnings & Info, 4:Load, Error, Warnings, Info & Event, 5:Load, Error, Warnings, Info & Verbose. 0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error and Warnings, 3:Load Error Warnings and Info, 4:Load Error Warnings and Info, 5:Load Error Warnings Info and Verbose

Definition at line 2245 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PcdSerialIoUartNumber

Offset 0x0471 - PcdSerialIoUartNumber Select SerialIo Uart Controller for debug.

0:SerialIoUart0, 1:SerialIoUart1, 2:SerialIoUart2

Definition at line 1435 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PchLpcEnhancePort8xhDecoding

Offset 0x0450 - PCH LPC Enhance the port 8xh decoding Original LPC only decodes one byte of port 80h.


Definition at line 1362 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PchNumRsvdSmbusAddresses

Offset 0x0453 - Number of RsvdSmbusAddressTable.

The number of elements in the RsvdSmbusAddressTable.

Definition at line 1379 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PchPort80Route

Offset 0x0451 - PCH Port80 Route Control where the Port 80h cycles are sent, 0: LPC; 1: PCI.


Definition at line 1368 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PchSmbAlertEnable

Offset 0x0462 - Enable SMBus Alert Pin Enable SMBus Alert Pin.


Definition at line 1417 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PchTraceHubMemReg0Size

Offset 0x00AD - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 0 buffer Size Specify size of Pch trace memory region 0 buffer, the size can be 0, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB.

Note : Limitation of total buffer size (PCH + CPU) is 512MB. 0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB

Definition at line 236 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PchTraceHubMemReg1Size

Offset 0x00AE - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 1 buffer Size Specify size of Pch trace memory region 1 buffer, the size can be 0, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB.

Note : Limitation of total buffer size (PCH + CPU) is 512MB. 0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB

Definition at line 243 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00AC - PCH Trace Hub Mode Select 'Host Debugger' if Trace Hub is used with host debugger tool or 'Target Debugger' if Trace Hub is used by target debugger software or 'Disable' trace hub functionality.

0: Disable, 1: Target Debugger Mode, 2: Host Debugger Mode

Definition at line 229 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0456 - Size of PCIe IMR.

Size of PCIe IMR in megabytes

Definition at line 1389 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT32 FSP_M_CONFIG::PcieRpEnableMask

Offset 0x045C - Enable PCIE RP Mask Enable/disable PCIE Root Ports.

0: disable, 1: enable. One bit for each port, bit0 for port1, bit1 for port2, and so on.

Definition at line 1400 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00F6 - Enable or Disable Peci C10 Reset command Enable or Disable Peci C10 Reset command.

If Enabled, BIOS will send the CPU message to disable peci reset on C10 exit. The default value is 0: Disable for CNL, and 1: Enable for all other CPU's $EN_DIS

Definition at line 494 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00F7 - Enable or Disable Peci Sx Reset command Enable or Disable Peci Sx Reset command; 0: Disable; 1: Enable.


Definition at line 500 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0152 - Memory data pointer for saved preset search results The reference code will store the Gen3 Preset Search results in the SaDataHob's PegData structure (SA_PEG_DATA) and platform code can save/restore this data to skip preset search in the following boots.

Range: 0-0xFFFFFFFF, default is 0

Definition at line 748 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PegDisableSpreadSpectrumClocking

Offset 0x0124 - PCIe Disable Spread Spectrum Clocking PCIe Disable Spread Spectrum Clocking.

Normal Operation(0x0)(Default) - SSC enabled, Disable SSC(0X1) - Disable SSC per platform design or for compliance testing 0:Normal Operation, 1:Disable SSC

Definition at line 693 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PlatformDebugConsent

Offset 0x00AA - Platform Debug Consent To 'opt-in' for debug, please select 'Enabled' with the desired debug probe type.

Enabling this BIOS option may alter the default value of other debug-related BIOS options. Note: DCI OOB (aka BSSB) uses CCA probe; [DCI OOB+DbC] and [USB2 DbC] have the same setting 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled (DCI OOB+[DbC]), 2:Enabled (DCI OOB), 3:Enabled (USB3 DbC), 4:Enabled (XDP/MIPI60), 5:Enabled (USB2 DbC)

Definition at line 215 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ProbelessTrace

Offset 0x00A2 - Probeless Trace Probeless Trace: 0=Disabled, 1=Enable.

Enabling Probeless Trace will reserve 128MB. This also requires IED to be enabled. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 183 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::PwdwnIdleCounter

Offset 0x0502 - Pwr Down Idle Timer The minimum value should = to the worst case Roundtrip delay + Burst_Length.

0 means AUTO: 64 for ULX/ULT, 128 for DT/Halo

Definition at line 2224 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::RankInterleave

Offset 0x049B - Rank Interleave support Enables/Disable Rank Interleave support.

NOTE: RI and HORI can not be enabled at the same time. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1685 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00DC - Memory Ratio Automatic or the frequency will equal ratio times reference clock.

Set to Auto to recalculate memory timings listed below. 0:Auto, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15

Definition at line 370 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::RcompResistor[3]

Offset 0x0082 - RcompResister settings Indicates RcompReister settings: CNL - 0's means MRC auto configured based on Design Guidelines, otherwise input an Ohmic value per segment.

CFL will need to provide the appropriate values.

Definition at line 114 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::RcompTarget[5]

Offset 0x0088 - RcompTarget settings RcompTarget settings: CNL - 0's mean MRC auto configured based on Design Guidelines, otherwise input an Ohmic value per segment.

CFL will need to provide the appropriate values.

Definition at line 120 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::RealtimeMemoryTiming

Offset 0x01F0 - Realtime Memory Timing 0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled.

When enabled, it will allow the system to perform realtime memory timing changes after MRC_DONE. 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled

Definition at line 875 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00D9 - Memory Reference Clock 100MHz, 133MHz.

0:133MHz, 1:100MHz

Definition at line 356 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04F4 - Row Hammer Solution Type of method used to prevent Row Hammer.

Default is Hardware RHP 0:Hardware RHP, 1:2x Refresh

Definition at line 2128 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x021A - Ring Downbin Ring Downbin enable/disable.

When enabled, CPU will ensure the ring ratio is always lower than the core ratio.0: Disable; 1: Enable. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1075 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0208 - Maximum clr turbo ratio override Maximum clr turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU clr frequency beyond the fused max turbo ratio limit.

0: Hardware defaults. Range: 0-255

Definition at line 981 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::RingPllVoltageOffset

Offset 0x0474 - Ring PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset.

0: No offset. Range 0-63

Definition at line 1451 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::RingVoltageAdaptive

Offset 0x021E - Ring Turbo voltage Adaptive Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu ring when the cpu is operating in turbo mode.

Valid Range 0 to 2000

Definition at line 1093 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::RingVoltageMode

Offset 0x021B - Ring voltage mode Ring voltage mode; 0: Adaptive; 1: Override.


Definition at line 1081 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::RingVoltageOffset

Offset 0x0220 - Ring Turbo voltage Offset The voltage offset applied to the ring while operating in turbo mode.

Valid Range 0 to 1000

Definition at line 1098 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_CONFIG::RingVoltageOverride

Offset 0x021C - Ring voltage override The ring voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu ring frequencies.

Valid Range 0 to 2000

Definition at line 1087 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00C4 - Rank Margin Tool Enable/disable Rank Margin Tool.


Definition at line 314 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x050D - RMTLoopCount Specifies the Loop Count to be used during Rank Margin Tool Testing.

0 - AUTO

Definition at line 2285 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0096 - Rank Margin Tool per Task This option enables the user to execute Rank Margin Tool per major training step in the MRC.


Definition at line 152 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0508 - Safe Mode Support This option configures the varous items in the IO and MC to be more conservative.

(def=Disable) $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2263 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00BC - SA GV System Agent dynamic frequency support and when enabled memory will be training at two different frequencies.

Only effects ULX/ULT CPUs. 0=Disabled, 1=FixedLow, 2=FixedHigh, and 3=Enabled. 0:Disabled, 1:FixedLow, 2:FixedHigh, 3:Enabled

Definition at line 282 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::SaPllVoltageOffset

Offset 0x0475 - System Agent PLL voltage offset Core PLL voltage offset.

0: No offset. Range 0-63

Definition at line 1456 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ScramblerSupport

Offset 0x00C7 - Scrambler Support This option enables data scrambling in memory.


Definition at line 332 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT32 FSP_M_CONFIG::SinitMemorySize

Offset 0x022C - SinitMemorySize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of SinitMemorySize , 1: enable

Definition at line 1140 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00C8 - Skip Multi-Processor Initialization When this is skipped, boot loader must initialize processors before SilicionInit API.

0: Initialize; 1: Skip $EN_DIS

Definition at line 339 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::SmbusArpEnable

Offset 0x0452 - Enable SMBus ARP support Enable SMBus ARP support.


Definition at line 1374 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00A5 - Enable SMBus Enable/disable SMBus controller.


Definition at line 199 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::SpdAddressTable[4]

Offset 0x00A6 - Spd Address Tabl Specify SPD Address table for CH0D0/CH0D1/CH1D0&CH1D1.

MemorySpdPtr will be used if SPD Address is 00

Definition at line 205 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::SpdProfileSelected

Offset 0x00D8 - SPD Profile Selected Select DIMM timing profile.

Options are 0=Default profile, 1=Custom profile, 2=XMP Profile 1, 3=XMP Profile 2 0:Default profile, 1:Custom profile, 2:XMP profile 1, 3:XMP profile 2

Definition at line 350 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x024C - TgaSize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TgaSize , 1: enable

Definition at line 1175 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04ED - Throttler CKEMin Timer Timer value for CKEMin, range[255;0].

Req'd min of SC_ROUND_T + BYTE_LENGTH (4). Default is 0x30

Definition at line 2088 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::ThrtCkeMinTmrLpddr

Offset 0x0514 - Throttler CKEMin Timer - LPDDR Timer value for CKEMin (For LPDDR Only), range[255;0].

Req'd min of SC_ROUND_T + BYTE_LENGTH (4). Default is 0x40

Definition at line 2323 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0222 - TjMax Offset TjMax offset.Specified value here is clipped by pCode (125 - TjMax Offset) to support TjMax in the range of 62 to 115 deg Celsius.

Valid Range 10 - 63

Definition at line 1104 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0097 - Training Trace This option enables the trained state tracing feature in MRC.

This feature will print out the key training parameters state across major training steps. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 159 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00EA - tRTP Min Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 15.

DDR4 legal values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

Definition at line 422 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x009C - Tseg Size Size of SMRAM memory reserved.

0x400000 for Release build and 0x1000000 for Debug build 0x0400000:4MB, 0x01000000:16MB

Definition at line 171 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodAlarmwindowLockBit

Offset 0x04FC - Alarm window lock bit Disable:Alarm trips are not locked and can be changed.

Enable:Alarm trips are locked and cannot be changed $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2184 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodCriticalEventOnly

Offset 0x04FA - Critical event only Disable:Trips on alarm or critical.

Enable:Trips only if criticaal temperature is reached $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2170 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodCriticaltripLockBit

Offset 0x04FD - Critical trip lock bit Disable:Critical trip is not locked and can be changed.

Enable:Critical trip is locked and cannot be changed $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2191 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04F8 - Event mode Disable:Comparator mode.

Enable:Interrupt mode $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2156 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodEventOutputControl

Offset 0x04FB - Event output control Disable:Event output disable.

Enable:Event output enabled $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2177 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodEventPolarity

Offset 0x04F9 - EVENT polarity Disable:Active LOW.

Enable:Active HIGH $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2163 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodManualEnable

Offset 0x0500 - User Manual Thig and Tcrit Disabled(Default): Temperature will be given by the configuration of memories and 1x or 2xrefresh rate.

Enabled: User Input will define for Thigh and Tcrit. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2211 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TsodShutdownMode

Offset 0x04FE - Shutdown mode Disable:Temperature sensor enable.

Enable:Temperature sensor disable $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2198 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x04F7 - TcritMax Maximum Critical Temperature in Centigrade of the On-DIMM Thermal Sensor.

TCRITMax has to be greater than THIGHMax .
Critical temperature will be TcritMax

Definition at line 2149 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TvbRatioClipping

Offset 0x0144 - Thermal Velocity Boost Ratio clipping 0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled.

This service controls Core frequency reduction caused by high package temperatures for processors that implement the Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) feature 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled

Definition at line 725 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TvbVoltageOptimization

Offset 0x0145 - Thermal Velocity Boost voltage optimization 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled(Default).

This service controls thermal based voltage optimizations for processors that implement the Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) feature. 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled

Definition at line 732 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0226 - Txt Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, Enable/Disable Txt feature, 1: enable $EN_DIS

Definition at line 1126 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT64 FSP_M_CONFIG::TxtDprMemoryBase

Offset 0x0238 - TxtDprMemoryBase Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TxtDprMemoryBase , 1: enable

Definition at line 1155 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT32 FSP_M_CONFIG::TxtDprMemorySize

Offset 0x0234 - TxtDprMemorySize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TxtDprMemorySize , 1: enable

Definition at line 1150 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT32 FSP_M_CONFIG::TxtHeapMemorySize

Offset 0x0230 - TxtHeapMemorySize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TxtHeapMemorySize , 1: enable

Definition at line 1145 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::TxtImplemented

Offset 0x01E3 - Enable/Disable MRC TXT dependency When enabled MRC execution will wait for TXT initialization to be done first.

Disabled(0x0)(Default): MRC will not wait for TXT initialization, Enabled(0x1): MRC will wait for TXT initialization $EN_DIS

Definition at line 826 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0250 - TxtLcpPdBase Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TxtLcpPdBase , 1: enable

Definition at line 1180 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0258 - TxtLcpPdSize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TxtLcpPdSize , 1: enable

Definition at line 1185 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::UserBudgetEnable

Offset 0x04F6 - User Manual Budget Disabled: Configuration of memories will defined the Budget value.

Enabled: User Input will be used. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2142 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::UserThresholdEnable

Offset 0x04F5 - User Manual Threshold Disabled: Predefined threshold will be used.

Enabled: User Input will be used. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2135 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x00DA - Memory Voltage Memory Voltage Override (Vddq).

Default = no override 0:Default, 1200:1.20 Volts, 1250:1.25 Volts, 1300:1.30 Volts, 1350:1.35 Volts, 1400:1.40 Volts, 1450:1.45 Volts, 1500:1.50 Volts, 1550:1.55 Volts, 1600:1.60 Volts, 1650:1.65 Volts

Definition at line 363 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x020F - Enable or Disable VMX Enable or Disable VMX; 0: Disable; 1: Enable.


Definition at line 1027 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::WarmThresholdCh0Dimm0

Offset 0x04C9 - Warm Threshold Ch0 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1907 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::WarmThresholdCh0Dimm1

Offset 0x04CA - Warm Threshold Ch0 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1912 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::WarmThresholdCh1Dimm0

Offset 0x04CB - Warm Threshold Ch1 Dimm0 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1917 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_CONFIG::WarmThresholdCh1Dimm1

Offset 0x04CC - Warm Threshold Ch1 Dimm1 range[255;0]=[31.875;0] in W for OLTM, [127.5;0] in C for CLTM.

Default is 255

Definition at line 1922 of file FspmUpd.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Aug 22 2018 17:48:56 for CoffeeLake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide by   doxygen 1.8.10