CoffeeLake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide: FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG Struct Reference

CoffeeLake Intel Firmware

CoffeeLake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide
FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG Struct Reference

Fsp M Test Configuration. More...

#include <FspmUpd.h>

Public Attributes

UINT32 Signature
 Offset 0x0520.
UINT8 SkipExtGfxScan
 Offset 0x0524 - Skip external display device scanning Enable: Do not scan for external display device, Disable (Default): Scan external display devices $EN_DIS.
UINT8 BdatEnable
 Offset 0x0525 - Generate BIOS Data ACPI Table Enable: Generate BDAT for MRC RMT or SA PCIe data. More...
UINT8 ScanExtGfxForLegacyOpRom
 Offset 0x0526 - Detect External Graphics device for LegacyOpROM Detect and report if external graphics device only support LegacyOpROM or not (to support CSM auto-enable). More...
UINT8 LockPTMregs
 Offset 0x0527 - Lock PCU Thermal Management registers Lock PCU Thermal Management registers. More...
UINT8 DmiMaxLinkSpeed
 Offset 0x0528 - DMI Max Link Speed Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1 Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed 0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3.
UINT8 DmiGen3EqPh2Enable
 Offset 0x0529 - DMI Equalization Phase 2 DMI Equalization Phase 2. More...
UINT8 DmiGen3EqPh3Method
 Offset 0x052A - DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3 DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3. More...
UINT8 Peg0Gen3EqPh2Enable
 Offset 0x052B - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:0. More...
UINT8 Peg1Gen3EqPh2Enable
 Offset 0x052C - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:1. More...
UINT8 Peg2Gen3EqPh2Enable
 Offset 0x052D - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:2. More...
UINT8 Peg3Gen3EqPh2Enable
 Offset 0x052E - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:3. More...
UINT8 Peg0Gen3EqPh3Method
 Offset 0x052F - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:0. More...
UINT8 Peg1Gen3EqPh3Method
 Offset 0x0530 - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:1. More...
UINT8 Peg2Gen3EqPh3Method
 Offset 0x0531 - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:2. More...
UINT8 Peg3Gen3EqPh3Method
 Offset 0x0532 - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:3. More...
UINT8 PegGen3ProgramStaticEq
 Offset 0x0533 - Enable/Disable PEG GEN3 Static EQ Phase1 programming Program PEG Gen3 EQ Phase1 Static Presets. More...
UINT8 Gen3SwEqAlwaysAttempt
 Offset 0x0534 - PEG Gen3 SwEq Always Attempt Gen3 Software Equalization will be executed every boot. More...
UINT8 Gen3SwEqNumberOfPresets
 Offset 0x0535 - Select number of TxEq presets to test in the PCIe/DMI SwEq Select number of TxEq presets to test in the PCIe/DMI SwEq. More...
UINT8 Gen3SwEqEnableVocTest
 Offset 0x0536 - Enable use of the Voltage Offset and Centering Test in the PCIe SwEq Enable use of the Voltage Offset and Centering Test in the PCIe Software Equalization Algorithm. More...
UINT8 PegRxCemTestingMode
 Offset 0x0537 - PCIe Rx Compliance Testing Mode Disabled(0x0)(Default): Normal Operation - Disable PCIe Rx Compliance testing, Enabled(0x1): PCIe Rx Compliance Test Mode - PEG controller is in Rx Compliance Testing Mode; it should only be set when doing PCIe compliance testing $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PegRxCemLoopbackLane
 Offset 0x0538 - PCIe Rx Compliance Loopback Lane When PegRxCemTestingMode is Enabled the specificied Lane (0 - 15) will be used for RxCEMLoopback. More...
UINT8 PegGenerateBdatMarginTable
 Offset 0x0539 - Generate PCIe BDAT Margin Table Set this policy to enable the generation and addition of PCIe margin data to the BDAT table. More...
UINT8 PegRxCemNonProtocolAwareness
 Offset 0x053A - PCIe Non-Protocol Awareness for Rx Compliance Testing Set this policy to enable the generation and addition of PCIe margin data to the BDAT table. More...
UINT8 PegGen3RxCtleOverride
 Offset 0x053B - PCIe Override RxCTLE Disable(0x0)(Default): Normal Operation - RxCTLE adaptive behavior enabled, Enable(0x1): Override RxCTLE - Disable RxCTLE adaptive behavior to keep the configured RxCTLE peak values unmodified $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PegGen3Rsvd
 Offset 0x053C - Rsvd Disable(0x0)(Default): Normal Operation - RxCTLE adaptive behavior enabled, Enable(0x1): Override RxCTLE - Disable RxCTLE adaptive behavior to keep the configured RxCTLE peak values unmodified $EN_DIS.
UINT8 PegGen3RootPortPreset [20]
 Offset 0x053D - PEG Gen3 Root port preset values per lane Used for programming PEG Gen3 preset values per lane. More...
UINT8 PegGen3EndPointPreset [20]
 Offset 0x0551 - PEG Gen3 End port preset values per lane Used for programming PEG Gen3 preset values per lane. More...
UINT8 PegGen3EndPointHint [20]
 Offset 0x0565 - PEG Gen3 End port Hint values per lane Used for programming PEG Gen3 Hint values per lane. More...
UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace8
 Offset 0x0579.
UINT16 Gen3SwEqJitterDwellTime
 Offset 0x057A - Jitter Dwell Time for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 1000. More...
UINT16 Gen3SwEqJitterErrorTarget
 Offset 0x057C - Jitter Error Target for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 1. More...
UINT16 Gen3SwEqVocDwellTime
 Offset 0x057E - VOC Dwell Time for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 10000. More...
UINT16 Gen3SwEqVocErrorTarget
 Offset 0x0580 - VOC Error Target for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 2. More...
UINT8 PanelPowerEnable
 Offset 0x0582 - Panel Power Enable Control for enabling/disabling VDD force bit (Required only for early enabling of eDP panel). More...
UINT8 BdatTestType
 Offset 0x0583 - BdatTestType Indicates the type of Memory Training data to populate into the BDAT ACPI table. More...
UINT8 SaPreMemTestRsvd [12]
 Offset 0x0584 - SaPreMemTestRsvd Reserved for SA Pre-Mem Test $EN_DIS.
UINT16 TotalFlashSize
 Offset 0x0590 - TotalFlashSize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT16 BiosSize
 Offset 0x0592 - BiosSize Enable/Disable. More...
UINT8 TxtAcheckRequest
 Offset 0x0594 - TxtAcheckRequest Enable/Disable. More...
UINT8 SecurityTestRsvd [3]
 Offset 0x0595 - SecurityTestRsvd Reserved for SA Pre-Mem Test $EN_DIS.
UINT8 SmbusDynamicPowerGating
 Offset 0x0598 - Smbus dynamic power gating Disable or Enable Smbus dynamic power gating. More...
UINT8 WdtDisableAndLock
 Offset 0x0599 - Disable and Lock Watch Dog Register Set 1 to clear WDT status, then disable and lock WDT registers. More...
UINT8 SmbusSpdWriteDisable
 Offset 0x059A - SMBUS SPD Write Disable Set/Clear Smbus SPD Write Disable. More...
UINT8 ChipsetInitMessage
 Offset 0x059B - ChipsetInit HECI message DEPRECATED $EN_DIS.
UINT8 BypassPhySyncReset
 Offset 0x059C - Bypass ChipsetInit sync reset. More...
UINT8 DidInitStat
 Offset 0x059D - Force ME DID Init Status Test, 0: disable, 1: Success, 2: No Memory in Channels, 3: Memory Init Error, Set ME DID init stat value $EN_DIS.
UINT8 DisableCpuReplacedPolling
 Offset 0x059E - CPU Replaced Polling Disable Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Setting this option disables CPU replacement polling loop $EN_DIS.
UINT8 SendDidMsg
 Offset 0x059F - ME DID Message Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable ME DID Message (disable will prevent the DID message from being sent) $EN_DIS.
UINT8 DisableHeciRetry
 Offset 0x05A0 - Retry mechanism for HECI APIs Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable HECI retry. More...
UINT8 DisableMessageCheck
 Offset 0x05A1 - Check HECI message before send Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable message check. More...
UINT8 SkipMbpHob
 Offset 0x05A2 - Skip MBP HOB Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable MOB HOB. More...
UINT8 HeciCommunication2
 Offset 0x05A3 - HECI2 Interface Communication Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Adds or Removes HECI2 Device from PCI space. More...
UINT8 KtDeviceEnable
 Offset 0x05A4 - Enable KT device Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable or Disable KT device. More...
 Offset 0x05A5 - tRd2RdSG Delay between Read-to-Read commands in the same Bank Group. More...
 Offset 0x05A6 - tRd2RdDG Delay between Read-to-Read commands in different Bank Group for DDR4. More...
 Offset 0x05A7 - tRd2RdDR Delay between Read-to-Read commands in different Ranks. More...
 Offset 0x05A8 - tRd2RdDD Delay between Read-to-Read commands in different DIMMs. More...
 Offset 0x05A9 - tWr2RdSG Delay between Write-to-Read commands in the same Bank Group. More...
 Offset 0x05AA - tWr2RdDG Delay between Write-to-Read commands in different Bank Group for DDR4. More...
 Offset 0x05AB - tWr2RdDR Delay between Write-to-Read commands in different Ranks. More...
 Offset 0x05AC - tWr2RdDD Delay between Write-to-Read commands in different DIMMs. More...
 Offset 0x05AD - tWr2WrSG Delay between Write-to-Write commands in the same Bank Group. More...
 Offset 0x05AE - tWr2WrDG Delay between Write-to-Write commands in different Bank Group for DDR4. More...
 Offset 0x05AF - tWr2WrDR Delay between Write-to-Write commands in different Ranks. More...
 Offset 0x05B0 - tWr2WrDD Delay between Write-to-Write commands in different DIMMs. More...
 Offset 0x05B1 - tRd2WrSG Delay between Read-to-Write commands in the same Bank Group. More...
 Offset 0x05B2 - tRd2WrDG Delay between Read-to-Write commands in different Bank Group for DDR4. More...
 Offset 0x05B3 - tRd2WrDR Delay between Read-to-Write commands in different Ranks. More...
 Offset 0x05B4 - tRd2WrDD Delay between Read-to-Write commands in different DIMMs. More...
 Offset 0x05B5 - tRRD_L Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time for Same Bank Group, DDR4 Only. More...
 Offset 0x05B6 - tRRD_S Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time for Different Bank Group, DDR4 Only. More...
 Offset 0x05B7 - tWTR_L Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time for Same Bank Group, DDR4 Only. More...
 Offset 0x05B8 - tWTR_S Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time for Different Bank Group, DDR4 Only. More...
UINT8 ReservedFspmTestUpd [3]
 Offset 0x05B9.

Detailed Description

Fsp M Test Configuration.

Definition at line 2332 of file FspmUpd.h.

Member Data Documentation


Offset 0x0525 - Generate BIOS Data ACPI Table Enable: Generate BDAT for MRC RMT or SA PCIe data.

Disable (Default): Do not generate it $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2349 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0583 - BdatTestType Indicates the type of Memory Training data to populate into the BDAT ACPI table.

0:Rank Margin Tool, 1:Margin2D

Definition at line 2585 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0592 - BiosSize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of BiosSize , 1: enable

Definition at line 2601 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x059C - Bypass ChipsetInit sync reset.


Definition at line 2644 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A0 - Retry mechanism for HECI APIs Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable HECI retry.


Definition at line 2670 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::DisableMessageCheck

Offset 0x05A1 - Check HECI message before send Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable message check.


Definition at line 2676 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0529 - DMI Equalization Phase 2 DMI Equalization Phase 2.

(0x0): Disable phase 2, (0x1): Enable phase 2, (0x2)(Default): AUTO - Use the current default method 0:Disable phase2, 1:Enable phase2, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2376 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x052A - DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3 DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3.

Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method, HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3 0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3

Definition at line 2386 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::Gen3SwEqAlwaysAttempt

Offset 0x0534 - PEG Gen3 SwEq Always Attempt Gen3 Software Equalization will be executed every boot.

Disabled(0x0)(Default): Reuse EQ settings saved/restored from NVRAM whenever possible, Enabled(0x1): Re-test and generate new EQ values every boot, not recommended 0:Disable, 1:Enable

Definition at line 2469 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0536 - Enable use of the Voltage Offset and Centering Test in the PCIe SwEq Enable use of the Voltage Offset and Centering Test in the PCIe Software Equalization Algorithm.

Disabled(0x0): Disable VOC Test, Enabled(0x1): Enable VOC Test, Auto(0x2)(Default): Use the current default 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2487 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::Gen3SwEqJitterDwellTime

Offset 0x057A - Jitter Dwell Time for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 1000.

Do not change from the default

Definition at line 2557 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::Gen3SwEqJitterErrorTarget

Offset 0x057C - Jitter Error Target for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 1.

Do not change from the default

Definition at line 2562 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::Gen3SwEqNumberOfPresets

Offset 0x0535 - Select number of TxEq presets to test in the PCIe/DMI SwEq Select number of TxEq presets to test in the PCIe/DMI SwEq.

P7,P3,P5(0x0): Test Presets 7, 3, and 5, P0-P9(0x1): Test Presets 0-9, Auto(0x2)(Default): Use the current default method (Default)Auto will test Presets 7, 3, and 5. It is possible for this default to change over time;using Auto will ensure Reference Code always uses the latest default settings 0:P7 P3 P5, 1:P0 to P9, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2479 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x057E - VOC Dwell Time for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 10000.

Do not change from the default

Definition at line 2567 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT16 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::Gen3SwEqVocErrorTarget

Offset 0x0580 - VOC Error Target for PCIe Gen3 Software Equalization Range: 0-65535, default is 2.

Do not change from the default

Definition at line 2572 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::HeciCommunication2

Offset 0x05A3 - HECI2 Interface Communication Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Adds or Removes HECI2 Device from PCI space.


Definition at line 2688 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A4 - Enable KT device Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable or Disable KT device.


Definition at line 2694 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0527 - Lock PCU Thermal Management registers Lock PCU Thermal Management registers.

Enable(Default)=1, Disable=0 $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2362 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0582 - Panel Power Enable Control for enabling/disabling VDD force bit (Required only for early enabling of eDP panel).

0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2579 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x052B - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:0.

Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:0. Disabled(0x0): Disable phase 2, Enabled(0x1): Enable phase 2, Auto(0x2)(Default): Use the current default method 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2393 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x052F - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:0.

PEG Gen3 Equalization Phase3. Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method, HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3 0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3

Definition at line 2424 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x052C - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:1.

Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:0. Disabled(0x0): Disable phase 2, Enabled(0x1): Enable phase 2, Auto(0x2)(Default): Use the current default method 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2400 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0530 - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:1.

PEG Gen3 Equalization Phase3. Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method, HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3 0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3

Definition at line 2434 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x052D - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:2.

Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:0. Disabled(0x0): Disable phase 2, Enabled(0x1): Enable phase 2, Auto(0x2)(Default): Use the current default method 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2407 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0531 - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:2.

PEG Gen3 Equalization Phase3. Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method, HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3 0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3

Definition at line 2444 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x052E - Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:3.

Phase2 EQ enable on the PEG 0:1:0. Disabled(0x0): Disable phase 2, Enabled(0x1): Enable phase 2, Auto(0x2)(Default): Use the current default method 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Auto

Definition at line 2414 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0532 - Phase3 EQ method on the PEG 0:1:3.

PEG Gen3 Equalization Phase3. Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method, HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3 0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3

Definition at line 2454 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::PegGen3EndPointHint[20]

Offset 0x0565 - PEG Gen3 End port Hint values per lane Used for programming PEG Gen3 Hint values per lane.

Range: 0-6, 2 is default for each lane

Definition at line 2548 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::PegGen3EndPointPreset[20]

Offset 0x0551 - PEG Gen3 End port preset values per lane Used for programming PEG Gen3 preset values per lane.

Range: 0-9, 7 is default for each lane

Definition at line 2543 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::PegGen3ProgramStaticEq

Offset 0x0533 - Enable/Disable PEG GEN3 Static EQ Phase1 programming Program PEG Gen3 EQ Phase1 Static Presets.

Disabled(0x0): Disable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming, Enabled(0x1)(Default): Enable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2461 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::PegGen3RootPortPreset[20]

Offset 0x053D - PEG Gen3 Root port preset values per lane Used for programming PEG Gen3 preset values per lane.

Range: 0-9, 8 is default for each lane

Definition at line 2538 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::PegGenerateBdatMarginTable

Offset 0x0539 - Generate PCIe BDAT Margin Table Set this policy to enable the generation and addition of PCIe margin data to the BDAT table.

Disabled(0x0)(Default): Normal Operation - Disable PCIe BDAT margin data generation, Enable(0x1): Generate PCIe BDAT margin data $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2508 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0538 - PCIe Rx Compliance Loopback Lane When PegRxCemTestingMode is Enabled the specificied Lane (0 - 15) will be used for RxCEMLoopback.

Default is Lane 0

Definition at line 2500 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::PegRxCemNonProtocolAwareness

Offset 0x053A - PCIe Non-Protocol Awareness for Rx Compliance Testing Set this policy to enable the generation and addition of PCIe margin data to the BDAT table.

Disabled(0x0)(Default): Normal Operation - Disable non-protocol awareness, Enable(0x1): Non-Protocol Awareness Enabled - Enable non-protocol awareness for compliance testing $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2517 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0526 - Detect External Graphics device for LegacyOpROM Detect and report if external graphics device only support LegacyOpROM or not (to support CSM auto-enable).

Enable(Default)=1, Disable=0 $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2356 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A2 - Skip MBP HOB Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable MOB HOB.


Definition at line 2682 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::SmbusDynamicPowerGating

Offset 0x0598 - Smbus dynamic power gating Disable or Enable Smbus dynamic power gating.


Definition at line 2619 of file FspmUpd.h.

UINT8 FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG::SmbusSpdWriteDisable

Offset 0x059A - SMBUS SPD Write Disable Set/Clear Smbus SPD Write Disable.

0: leave SPD Write Disable bit; 1: set SPD Write Disable bit. For security recommendations, SPD write disable bit must be set. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2632 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0590 - TotalFlashSize Enable/Disable.

0: Disable, define default value of TotalFlashSize , 1: enable

Definition at line 2596 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A8 - tRd2RdDD Delay between Read-to-Read commands in different DIMMs.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2715 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A6 - tRd2RdDG Delay between Read-to-Read commands in different Bank Group for DDR4.

All other DDR technologies should set this equal to SG. 0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2705 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A7 - tRd2RdDR Delay between Read-to-Read commands in different Ranks.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2710 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A5 - tRd2RdSG Delay between Read-to-Read commands in the same Bank Group.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2699 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B4 - tRd2WrDD Delay between Read-to-Write commands in different DIMMs.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2778 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B2 - tRd2WrDG Delay between Read-to-Write commands in different Bank Group for DDR4.

All other DDR technologies should set this equal to SG. 0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2768 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B3 - tRd2WrDR Delay between Read-to-Write commands in different Ranks.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2773 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B1 - tRd2WrSG Delay between Read-to-Write commands in the same Bank Group.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2762 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B5 - tRRD_L Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time for Same Bank Group, DDR4 Only.

0: AUTO, max: 31

Definition at line 2783 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B6 - tRRD_S Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time for Different Bank Group, DDR4 Only.

0: AUTO, max: 31

Definition at line 2789 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05AC - tWr2RdDD Delay between Write-to-Read commands in different DIMMs.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2736 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05AA - tWr2RdDG Delay between Write-to-Read commands in different Bank Group for DDR4.

All other DDR technologies should set this equal to SG. 0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2726 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05AB - tWr2RdDR Delay between Write-to-Read commands in different Ranks.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2731 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05A9 - tWr2RdSG Delay between Write-to-Read commands in the same Bank Group.

0-Auto, Range 4-86.

Definition at line 2720 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B0 - tWr2WrDD Delay between Write-to-Write commands in different DIMMs.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2757 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05AE - tWr2WrDG Delay between Write-to-Write commands in different Bank Group for DDR4.

All other DDR technologies should set this equal to SG. 0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2747 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05AF - tWr2WrDR Delay between Write-to-Write commands in different Ranks.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2752 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05AD - tWr2WrSG Delay between Write-to-Write commands in the same Bank Group.

0-Auto, Range 4-54.

Definition at line 2741 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B7 - tWTR_L Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time for Same Bank Group, DDR4 Only.

0: AUTO, max: 60

Definition at line 2795 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x05B8 - tWTR_S Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time for Different Bank Group, DDR4 Only.

0: AUTO, max: 28

Definition at line 2801 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0594 - TxtAcheckRequest Enable/Disable.

When Enabled, it will forcing calling TXT Acheck once. $EN_DIS

Definition at line 2607 of file FspmUpd.h.


Offset 0x0599 - Disable and Lock Watch Dog Register Set 1 to clear WDT status, then disable and lock WDT registers.


Definition at line 2625 of file FspmUpd.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Aug 22 2018 17:48:56 for CoffeeLake Intel(R) Firmware Support Package (FSP) Integration Guide by   doxygen 1.8.10