The program has two types of log files with which you can monitor information about deployments and installations.
- Network
log. The network log file keeps a record of all workstations
that run the deployment. On the General Deployment Settings page
of the deployment process, you choose whether or not to create a
network log file. The log lists the user name, workstation name,
and the status of the installation. Refer to this file for status
information and details about problems that users encountered during
installation (for example, low disk space or inadequate permissions).
The network log is named with the same name you chose for your deployment.
You can specify where the log file is created by entering either
a valid UNC (universal naming convention) path or hard-coded path
on your network, for example \\MyComputer\Autodesk\AutoCAD Land Desktop 2009.NoteThe folder where the network log resides must be a shared folder where users who install the program have Change permissions. Otherwise, successes or failures for user installations cannot be written to the log file.
- Client log. The client log contains detailed installation information for each workstation. This information may be useful in diagnosing installation problems. The client log is located in the \Temp directory of each client workstation.
To specify a log file location
- While creating a deployment, on the General Deployment Settings page, select the check box next to the Create Network Log box. Enter the name of the folder where you want the network log to be located.
- If you want to create a client log, select the Create Client Log option.
- Click Next.