
ACCPAC Common Controls


Locates and reads the record in the view identified by the current key field values. This method is a network optimized version of Read. It allows field values to be set to the view before the operation, and also returns the field values of the requested fields, as well as the record number.

Function ReadEx(
 PutFieldIDs As Variant,
 PutFieldValues As Variant,
 FieldIDs As Variant,
 Values As Variant,
 RecNum As Long) As Boolean



[in] an array of field IDs representing the fields for which the values should first be modified before performing record fetching; the new values are specified in the PutFieldValues parameter


[in] an array of field values that should first be set to the view before performing record fetching; the values should appear in the array in the same order as the corresponding field IDs specified in the PutFieldIDs parameter


[in] an array of field IDs representing the fields from which the values should be returned if a record is successfully retrieved


[out] returns an array of field values for the requested fields; returns Null if no record is retrieved


[out] returns the record number if a record is retrieved

Return Value

Returns whether the record identified by the current key field values exists and is retrieved. The return value is the same as Read.


This function first calls BlkPut (on PutFieldValues), and then Read, and finally BlkGet (into Values) to retrieve the field values. The record number is also retrieved.