Takes the AccpacProcessServerSetup object for the report and uses it to complete the report configuration. Call this after the AccpacProcessServerSetup object has been configured and before printing.
Function CompleteProcessServerSettings() As Long
Return Value
Returns 0 upon success and a non-zero error code upon failure.
If a report is configured to be run through the Process Server, the following must be done:
Create the report object by calling ReportSelect of an AccpacSession object.
Check the RequiresProcessServerSettings property.
If TRUE, call GetProcessServerSetup to get an AccpacProcessServerSetup object.
Configure the AccpacProcessServerSetup object.
Call CompleteProcessServerSettings to save the AccpacProcessServerSetup settings to the report object.
Call Confirm as usual.
The AccpacProcessServerSetup object is a hidden member of the ACCPAC COM API library.