Creates a database link to the specified database. A database link can be created on the company database, or the system database that the signed on company is attached to.
Function OpenDBLink(
LinkType As tagDBLinkTypeEnum,
Flags As tagDBLinkFlagsEnum)
As AccpacDBLink
[in] specifies the type of database link to create
[in] specifies the read/write access mode of the database link
Return Value
Returns an AccpacDBLink object, which represents the database link.
The AccpacSession object represents a session to a company that is specified when the session is opened. OpenDBLink creates a database connection to that company, if the selected link type is a company database. If a system database is selected, this method creates a database connection to the system database that is associated with the session's company.
If OpenDBLink is called multiple times to create multiple AccpacDBLink objects, multiple database connections are created and each AccpacDBLink object represents a separate database connection.