ACCPAC Common Controls


Returns the path or URL to the ACCPAC help files' directory.

Property HelpURL As String


Unless a UI has a special reason to download a help file, it should use the HelpPath property (along with the file's name) instead of the HelpURL property to locate its application's help file. This is because the (application-wide) help file is downloaded automatically when the UI is started, so there's no need to look for a remote path.

If the session isn't remote, HelpURL returns a DOS path to the directory where the help files are installed. Unlike HelpPath, if the session is remote, HelpURL will return the URL to the (remote) location where the help files can be downloaded. A UI may need to use HelpURL if it needs to download a help file from another application.

This property is only available after the session is opened. It returns an empty string ("") if the session is not open.