
ACCPAC Common Controls


Retrieves the COM class ID (CLSID) and codebase of the specified application object.

Function GetObjectCLSID(
  objectID As String,
  DistFileType As tagDistFileType,
  CLSID As String,
  Codebase As String) As Boolean



[in] the Roto ID of the application object


[in] the format of the codebase to retrieve


[out] returns the COM class ID of the object


[out] returns the codebase of the object

Return Value

Returns whether the specified object ID (Roto ID) is valid.


This method locates the CLSID of the specified object in the application's Roto file.

The format of the codebase returned depends on the value of DistFileType passed in:

  • DF_DYNAMIC - Codebase depends on the client's connection. If the client is remote, the codebase is the URL of the object's CAB file. If the client is in-process, the codebase is the path to the OCX file (including filename).

  • DF_REMOTE - Codebase is always returned as the URL to the object's CAB file.

  • DF_LOCAL - Codebase is always returned as the local path to the application's OCX file (including filename).