Gets database (organization) information for all companies in one call.
Sub GetOrgsInfo(
Count As Long,
DatabaseIDs() As String,
Names() As String,
SystemDatabaseIDs() As String,
Types() As Integer,
SecEnabled() As Boolean)
[out] returns the total number of company and system databases (count of items in the returned array, DatabaseIDs)
[out] returns an array of company and system database IDs
[out] returns an array where each item is the name of the organization associated with the corresponding item in DatabaseIDs
[out] returns an array where each item is either the associated system database ID, if the corresponding item in DatabaseIDs is a company database, or "", if the corresponding item in DatabaseIDs is a system database
[out] an array where each item is the database type that's associated with the corresponding item in DatabaseIDs. Each item in this array is actually a constant in tagDBLinkTypeEnum.
[out] returns an array where each item indicates whether security is enabled for the corresponding item in DatabaseIDs