
ACCPAC Common Controls


Links a set of views so that each view within a group can access each other without having to repeatedly open new copies of the view.

Sub Compose(ViewOrArrayOfViews)



[in] an array of AccpacView objects that represent the composite views


Each view predefines an ordered list of composite views it expects to compose. When calling Compose, the order of the array of View objects must match the order defined for the view. If composition of a certain sub-view is not required, the corresponding item in the array should be set to Null. Use the CompositeNames property to determine the list and order of composite views that the current view expects.


The following example composes the header view (CS0005) with the detail view (CS0006).

Dim CSRATES1header As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView

mDBLinkSysRW.OpenView "CS0005", CSRATES1header

Dim CSRATES1detail As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView

mDBLinkSysRW.OpenView "CS0006", CSRATES1detail

CSRATES1header.Compose Array(CSRATES1detail)