
ACCPAC Common Controls


Retrieves a list of reports available from the specified application.

Function GetInstalledReports(AppID As String) As String()



[in] the two-letter application ID

Return Value

This method returns an array of Strings. This array contains a list of reports available from the application. Note that the report names do not include file paths.


This method accepts the application ID, but not the application version. The application version is automatically determined and is the version of the application activated for the current company.

The following locations are searched for report files:

  • The application's language-specific directory, depending on the logged in user's language preference.

  • Customization directory, if defined, for all users for the current logged in company.

  • Customization directory, if defined, for all companies for the current logged in user.

  • Customization directory, if defined, for all users for all companies.

The AccpacUI template provides a "Remote Report Selector" popup form (RemoteRptSelector.frm) that can be added to VB UI projects. This popup form calls GetInstalledReports and displays the retrieved report list in a combo box. When the popup is closed, it returns the selected report name to the UI.