
ACCPAC Common Controls


Performs processing on the view. The operations triggered by this method are specific to the view.

Sub Process()


The Process method is used by special types of views to initiate operations such as year-end processing. These operations do not map nicely to the standard view operation such as Insert, Delete, Update and Post.

Immediately after the Process operation, use the LastReturnCode property to get the return code from that operation. A return code of 0 indicates success, a negative return code indicates a warning, and a positive return code indicates an error.


The following example calls Process on the BK0105 view to indicate that the program wants to add/modify checks and deposits, as long as another program isn't doing the same thing at the same time.

Dim BKPROC1 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView

mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView "BK0105", BKPROC1

Dim BKPROC1Fields As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacViewFields

Set BKPROC1Fields = BKPROC1.Fields

BKPROC1Fields("PROCESS").PutWithoutVerification "2"     ' Bank Process

BKPROC1Fields("OPERATION").PutWithoutVerification "0"     ' Process Status

Dim rc As tagViewReturnCode


rc = BKPROC1.LastReturnCode