
ACCPAC Common Controls


Starts a query so that the caller can scan through a stream of logical records. The routine sets the record filtering criteria and direction for subsequent Read and Fetch calls. The starting key is specified by the current contents of the logical record.

Sub Browse(
Filter As String,
Ascending As Boolean)



[in] the filter identifier that restricts the logical records that will be retrieved


[in] whether subsequent records will be fetched in ascending (TRUE) or descending (FALSE) order


Calling Browse does not change the ordering of records being fetched from the view. To control the ordering, use the Order property to select a key.


The following example uses a filter so that the program will start its scan at the record whose bank code is equal to or greater than "SEATAC". Since Ascending is TRUE, subsequent records will be fetched in ascending order.

Dim BKACCT1header As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView

mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView "BK0001", BKACCT1header

BKACCT1header.Browse "BANK>=""SEATAC""", True