System Stability Test

AIDA64 Engineer

System Stability Test


The following command-line options can be used to automatize stressing the system using the AIDA64 System Stability Test:


/SST [subtests]


This option can be used to automatically open the System Stability Test window when AIDA64 loads up, and start the system stress test right away.  When no subtests is specified, all subtests are enabled.  To specify which subtest to enable, the name of subtests should be listed, separated by comma.  In subtests the following subtest names can be used:











/SSTDUR <minutes>


This option can be used to set the duration of the stress test in minutes.  When /SSTDUR is not specified, the stress test will run until it's manually stopped by the user.




This option can be used to switch disk stressing from the default random read method to linear file writing. For SSDs linear write usually makes the device consume more power and heat up more, but it also shortens the lifecycle of the SSD by wearing out flash memory cells. Make sure to use this option with extra caution!