Exported function to retrieve the value of a variable as string.
OutputVar := DllCall("Module\ahkgetvar", "Str", "VarName", "UInt", GetVarPointer, "CDecl Str")
Function Example: OutputVar := DllCall("AutoHotkey.dll\ahkgetvar", "Str", "MyVar", "UInt", 0 ,"CDecl Str") Result := DllCall("AutoHotkey.exe\ahkgetvar", "Str", "MyVar", "UInt", 0, "CDecl Str")
- OutputVar
The name of variable in which to store the value of variable as string or variable pointer if GetvarPointer is 1 / true.
- VarName
The name of the variable to get pointer or contents from.
- GetVarPointer
1 / true to receive a pointer to variable, FALSE / NULL / 0 to receive content of variable, similar to GetVar.
dllpath:=A_AhkDir "\AutoHotkey.dll" DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str",dllpath) ; Load the AutoHotkey module. DllCall(dllpath "\ahktextdll","Str","","Str","","CDecl") ; start a new thread from file. DllCall(dllpath "\ahkassign","Str","var","Str","value","CDecl") ; assing value to var MsgBox % DllCall(dllpath "\ahkgetvar","Str","var","UInt",0,"CDecl") ; wait for the thread to exit ; Same example like above using included AutoHotkey.dll dll:=AhkThread() dll.ahkassign("var","value") MsgBox % dll.ahkgetvar.var