Searches for a given occurrence of a string, from the left or the right.
FoundPos := InStr(Haystack, Needle , CaseSensitive := false, StartingPos := 1, Occurrence := 1)
- Haystack
The string whose content is searched.
- Needle
The string to search for.
- CaseSensitive
If the parameter CaseSensitive is omitted or false, the search is not case sensitive (the method of insensitivity depends on StringCaseSense); otherwise, the case must match exactly.
- StartingPos
If StartingPos is omitted, it defaults to 1 (the beginning of Haystack). Otherwise, specify 2 to start at the second character, 3 to start at the third, and so on.
If StartingPos is negative, the search is conducted in reverse (right-to-left), starting at that position from the right. For example, -1 starts at the last character. If StartingPos is 0 or beyond the length of Haystack, 0 is returned.
Regardless of the value of StartingPos, the return value is always relative to the first character of Haystack. For example, the position of "abc" in "123abc789" is always 4.
- Occurrence
If Occurrence is omitted, it defaults to the first match of the Needle in Haystack. Specify 2 for Occurrence to return the position of the second match, 3 for the third match, etc.
Return Value
This function returns the position of an occurrence of the string Needle in the string Haystack. Position 1 is the first character; this is because 0 is synonymous with "false", making it an intuitive "not found" indicator.
RegExMatch can be used to search for a pattern (regular expression) within a string, making it much more flexible than InStr(). However, InStr() is generally faster than RegExMatch() when searching for a simple substring.
InStr() searches only up to the first binary zero (null-terminator), whereas RegExMatch() searches the entire length of the string even if it includes binary zero.
RegExMatch, StringCaseSense, Value is Type
; Example 1 MsgBox % InStr("123abc789","abc") ; Returns 4 ; Example 2 Haystack := "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog" Needle := "Fox" If InStr(Haystack, Needle) MsgBox, The string was found. Else MsgBox, The string was not found. ; Example 3 Haystack := "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog" Needle := "the" MsgBox % InStr(Haystack, Needle, false, 1, 2) ; case insensitive search, return start position of second occurence MsgBox % InStr(Haystack, Needle, true) ; case sensitive search, return start position of first occurence, same result as above