Closes zip archive created with ZipCreateBuffer, saves it to variable and returns its size.
OutputVar := ZipCloseBuffer(ZipHandle , VariableName)
Function Example: Size := ZipCloseBuffer(hZip, var)
- OutputVar
The name of the variable in which to store the size in bytes of zip file in memory.
- ZipHandle
Zip handle returned from ZipCreateBuffer.
- VariableName
The name of the variable in which to store the zip archive.
ZipCreateFile, ZipAddFile,ZipCloseFile, ZipOptions, UnZip, ZipCreateBuffer, ZipAddBuffer, UnZipBuffer, ZipRawMemory, UnZipRawMemory, ZipInfo, ZipAddFolder
hZip:=ZipCreateBuffer(10000000) ZipAddBuffer(hZip, "C:\MyScript.ahk", &var;, sz) sz := ZipCloseBuffer(hZip, var)