Writes a value to the registry.
RegWrite Value, ValueType, KeyName , ValueName RegWrite Value , ValueType, , ValueName
Command Example: RegWrite "Test Value", "REG_SZ", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestKey", "MyValueName" Function Example: RegWrite("Test Value", "REG_SZ", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestKey", "MyValueName")
- Value
The value to be written. Long text values can be broken up into several shorter lines by means of a continuation section, which might improve readability and maintainability.
- ValueType
ValueType can be omitted only if KeyName is omitted and the current registry loop item is a value, as noted below.
- KeyName
The full name of the registry key.
This must start with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, or HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (or the abbreviations for each of these, such as HKLM). To access a remote registry, prepend the computer name and a slash, as in this example: \\workstation01\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
KeyName can be omitted only if a registry loop is running, in which case it defaults to the key of the current loop item. If the item is a subkey, the full name of that subkey is used by default. If the item is a value, ValueType and ValueName default to the type and name of that value, but can be overridden.
- ValueName
The name of the value that will be written to. If blank or omitted, the key's default value will be used (except as noted above). The default value is displayed as "(Default)" by RegEdit.
ErrorLevel is set to 1 if there was a problem or 0 otherwise.
A_LastError is set to the result of the operating system's GetLastError() function.
If KeyName specifies a subkey which does not exist, RegWrite attempts to create it (along with its ancestors, if necessary). Although RegWrite can write directly into a root key, some operating systems might refuse to write into HKEY_CURRENT_USER's top level.
If ValueType is REG_DWORD, Value should be between -2147483648 and 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF).
When writing a REG_BINARY key, use a string of hex characters, e.g. the REG_BINARY value of 01,a9,ff,77 can be written by using the string 01A9FF77.
When writing a REG_MULTI_SZ key, you must separate each component from the next with a linefeed character (`n). The last component may optionally end with a linefeed as well. No blank components are allowed. In other words, do not specify two linefeeds in a row (`n`n) because that will result in a shorter-than-expected value being written to the registry.
To retrieve and operate upon multiple registry keys or values, consider using a registry-loop.
For details about how to access the registry of a remote computer, see the remarks in registry-loop.
To read and write entries from the 64-bit sections of the registry in a 32-bit script or vice versa, use SetRegView.
RegDelete, RegRead, Registry-loop, SetRegView, IniWrite
RegWrite "Test Value", "REG_SZ", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestKey", "MyValueName" RegWrite "01A9FF77", "REG_BINARY", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TEST_APP", "TEST_NAME" RegWrite "Line1`nLine2", "REG_MULTI_SZ", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TEST_APP", "TEST_NAME"