Add a file to a zip archive created with ZipCreateFile or ZipCreateBuffer.
OutputVar := ZipAddFile(ZipHandle, FileName , ZipFileName)
Command Example: ZipAddFile hZip, "MyScript.ahk", "scripts\MyScript.ahk" Function Example: Success := ZipAddFile(hZip, "MyScript.ahk", "scripts\MyScript.ahk")
- OutputVar
The name of the variable in which to store 1 / true if file was added successfully or 0 / false if operation failed.
- ZipHandle
Zip handle returned from ZipCreateFile or ZipCreateBuffer.
- FileName
Name or path of the file that will be added to zip archive.
- ZipFileName (optional)
Path and name of the file to use for zip archive. If omitted original file name will be used.
ZipCreateFile, ZipCloseFile, ZipOptions, UnZip, ZipCreateBuffer, ZipAddBuffer, ZipCloseBuffer, UnZipBuffer, ZipRawMemory, UnZipRawMemory, ZipInfo, ZipAddFolder
hZip:=ZipCreateFile("C:\") ZipAddFile(hZip, "C:\MyScript.ahk") ZipCloseFile(hZip)