This function is used to unzip and decrypt raw memory, for example from resource.
OutputVar := UnZipRawMemory(Address, Size, , VariableOrAddress, Password)
Command Example: UnZipRawMemory &resource;, SizeOfResource(NULL,hRes), Data Function Example: Size := UnZipRawMemory(&resource;, SizeOfRes(NULL,hRes), Data)
- OutputVar
The name of the variable in which to store the size of unzipped memory in bytes.
- Address
Address to raw zipped memory.
- Size
Size in bytes of zipped memory.
- VariableOrAddress (optional)
The name of a variable or address to copy unzipped memory to.
- Password (optional)
The password to use to decrypt the data.
Ahk2Exe uses ZipRawMemory to compress and encrypt resources in raw mode (only 1 file supported).
Internally AutoHotkey is able to decompress raw resources automatically (compiled script, AutoHotkey.dll, WinApi + lib resources).
This function can be used in script to decrypt and decompress raw resources.
ZipRawMemory, ZipCreateFile, ZipAddFile, ZipCloseFile, ZipOptions, UnZip, ZipCreateBuffer, ZipAddBuffer, ZipCloseBuffer, UnZipBuffer, ZipInfo, ZipAddFolder
sz:=ResGet(data, A_AhkPath,"AHKEXEC.AHK","LIB") UnZipRawMemory(&data;, sz, var) MsgBox % StrGet(&var;, "UTF-8")