Loads a string resource in the specified dll previously loaded with MemoryLoadLibrary. Similar to LoadString.
OutputVar := MemoryLoadString(Handle, Id , BufferPointer, Length)
Function Example: StringLength := MemoryLoadString(ahkdllModule,2, &var, 10)
- OutputVar
The name of the variable in which to store the string pointer if BufferPointer is omitted or 0 or size of the string if BufferPointer parameter is used.
- Handle
MemoryModule handle prevously returned by MemoryLoadLibrary.
- Id
Id of string resource, must be a digit.
- BufferPointer (optional)
Pointer to the buffer receiving the string.
- Length (optional)
The length of string in characters.
- Language (optional)
The language of string, uses DEFAULT_LANGUAGE by default.
If the BufferPointer is 0 or omitted the string from resource is returned, otherwise the string is copied to the buffer.
MemoryModule, ResourceLoadLibrary, MemoryLoadLibrary, MemoryFreeLibrary, MemoryGetProcAddress, MemoryFindResource, MemorySizeofResource, MemoryLoadResource, DllCall, DynaCall
lib:=MemoryLoadLibrary(A_ScriptDir "\LiteZip.dll") MsgBox % StrGet(MemoryLoadString(lib,1))