Loop (parse a string)

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Loop (parse a string)

Retrieves substrings (fields) from a string, one at a time.

Loop Parse, String , Delimiters, OmitChars



This parameter must be the word PARSE, and cannot be an expression or variable reference.


The string to analyze.


If this parameter is blank or omitted, each character of the input string will be treated as a separate substring.

If this parameter is CSV, the string will be parsed in standard comma separated value format. Here is an example of a CSV line produced by MS Excel: "first field",SecondField,"the word ""special"" is quoted literally",,"last field, has literal comma"

Otherwise, Delimiters contains one or more characters (case sensitive), each of which is used to determine where the boundaries between substrings occur.

Delimiter characters are not considered to be part of the substrings themselves. In addition, if there is nothing between a pair of delimiters within the input string, the corresponding substring will be empty.

For example: `, (an escaped comma) would divide the string based on every occurrence of a comma. Similarly, %A_Tab%%A_Space% would start a new substring every time a space or tab is encountered in the input string.

To use a string as a delimiter rather than a character, first use StrReplace to replace all occurrences of the string with a single character that is never used literally in the text, e.g. one of these special characters: ¢¤¥¦§©ª«®µ¶. Consider this example, which uses the string <br> as a delimiter:

StrReplace, NewHTML, %HTMLString%, <br>, ¢
Loop, parse, %NewHTML%, ¢ ; Parse the string based on the cent symbol.

An optional list of characters (case sensitive) to exclude from the beginning and end of each substring. For example, if OmitChars is %A_Space%%A_Tab%, spaces and tabs will be removed from the beginning and end (but not the middle) of every retrieved substring.

If Delimiters is blank, OmitChars indicates which characters should be excluded from consideration (the loop will not see them).

Unlike the last parameter of most other commands, commas in OmitChars must be escaped (`,).


A string parsing loop is useful when you want to operate on each field contained in a string, one at a time. Parsing loops use less memory than StrSplit (though either way the memory use is temporary) and in most cases they are easier to use.

The built-in variable A_LoopField exists within any parsing loop. It contains the contents of the current substring (field). If an inner parsing loop is enclosed by an outer parsing loop, the innermost loop's field will take precedence.

Although there is no built-in variable "A_LoopDelimiter", the example at the very bottom of this page demonstrates how to detect which delimiter was encountered for each field.

There is no restriction on the size of the input string or its fields.

To arrange the fields in a different order prior to parsing, use the Sort command.

See Loop for information about Blocks, Break, Continue, and the A_Index variable (which exists in every type of loop).


StrSplit, file-reading loop, Loop, Break, Continue, Blocks, Sort, FileSetAttrib, FileSetTime


; Example #1:
Colors := "red,green,blue"
Loop, parse, %Colors%, `,
    MsgBox, Color number %A_Index% is %A_LoopField%.


; Example #2: Read the lines inside a variable, one by one (similar to a file-reading loop).
; A file can be loaded into a variable via FileRead:
Loop, parse, %FileContents%, `n, `r  ; Specifying `n prior to `r allows both Windows and Unix files to be parsed.
    Result := MsgBox("Line number %A_Index% is %A_LoopField%.`n`nContinue?",, 4)
    if Result = "No", break


; Example #3: This is the same as the example above except that it's for the clipboard.
; It's useful whenever the clipboard contains files, such as those copied from an open
; Explorer window (the program automatically converts such files to their file names):
Loop, parse, %clipboard%, `n, `r
    Result := MsgBox("File number %A_Index% is %A_LoopField%.`n`nContinue?",, 4)
    if Result = "No", break


; Example #4: Parse a comma separated value (CSV) file:
Loop, read, C:\Database Export.csv
    LineNumber := A_Index
    Loop, parse, %A_LoopReadLine%, CSV
        Result := MsgBox("Field %LineNumber%-%A_Index% is:`n%A_LoopField%`n`nContinue?",, 4)
        if Result = "No"


; Example #5: Determining which delimiter was encountered.

; Initialize string to search.
Colors := "red,green|blue;yellow|cyan,magenta"
; Initialize counter to keep track of our position in the string.
Position := 0

Loop, Parse, %Colors%, `,|;
    ; Calculate the position of the delimiter at the end of this field.
    Position += StrLen(A_LoopField) + 1
    ; Retrieve the delimiter found by the parsing loop.
    Delimiter := SubStr(Colors, Position, 1)

    MsgBox Field: %A_LoopField%`nDelimiter: %Delimiter%