Retrieves the number of existing windows that match the specified WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, and ExcludeText (0 if none).
OutputVar := WinGetCount([inTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)
Function example: Count := WinGetCount("ahk_class Notepad")
- OutputVar
The name of the variable in which to store the number of found windows.
- WinTitle (optional)
The title or partial title of the target window (the matching behavior is determined by SetTitleMatchMode). If this and the other 3 window parameters are blank or omitted, the Last Found Window will be used. To use a window class, specify ahk_class ExactClassName (shown by Window Spy). To use a process identifier (PID), specify ahk_pid %VarContainingPID%. To use a window group, specify ahk_group GroupName. To use a window's unique ID number, specify ahk_id %VarContainingID%. The search can be narrowed by specifying multiple criteria. For example: My File.txt ahk_class Notepad. The use correct child window when multiple window with same criteria exist specify ahk_parent %VarContainingID%. For example: ahk_class #32770 ahk_parent %MyWinID%
- WinText (optional)
If present, this parameter must be a substring from a single text element of the target window (as revealed by the included Window Spy utility). Hidden text elements are detected if DetectHiddenText is ON.
- ExcludeTitle (optional)
Windows whose titles include this value will not be considered.
- ExcludeText (optional)
Windows whose text include this value will not be considered.
MsgBox % WinGetCount("ahk_class Notepad") " Notepad windows are visible."