Volume On-Screen-Display

Auto Hotkey

Volume On-Screen-Display Based on the v1 script by Rajat

This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the master and/or wave volume. Both volumes are displayed as different color bar graphs.

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; --- User Settings ---

; The percentage by which to raise or lower the volume each time:
config := {Step: 4}

; How long to display the volume level bar graphs:
config.DisplayTime := 2000

; Master Volume Bar color (see the help file to use more precise shades):
config.CBM := "Red"

; Wave Volume Bar color:
config.CBW := "Blue"

; Background color:
config.CW := "Silver"

; Bar's screen position. Use "center" to center the bar in that dimension:
config.PosX := "center"
config.PosY := "center"
config.Width := 150  ; width of bar
config.Thick := 12   ; thickness of bar

; If your keyboard has multimedia buttons for Volume, you can
; try changing the below hotkeys to use them by specifying
; Volume_Up, ^Volume_Up, Volume_Down, and ^Volume_Down:
config.MasterUp := "#Up"      ; Win+UpArrow
config.MasterDown := "#Down"
config.WaveUp := "+#Up"       ; Shift+Win+UpArrow
config.WaveDown := "+#Down"

; --- Auto Execute Section ---

; DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING HERE (unless you know what you're doing).


; Create the Progress window:
G := GuiCreate("+ToolWindow -Caption -Border +Disabled")
G.MarginX := 0, G.MarginY := 0
opt := "w" config.Width " h" config.Thick " background" config.CW
G.Add("Progress", opt " vMaster c" config.CBM)
G.Add("Progress", opt " vWave c" config.CBW)

; Create function references for the hotkeys:
vol_MasterUp := Func("ChangeVolume").bind(config, G, "+")
vol_MasterDown := Func("ChangeVolume").bind(config, G, "-")
vol_WaveUp := Func("ChangeVolume").bind(config, G, "+", "Wave")
vol_WaveDown := Func("ChangeVolume").bind(config, G, "-", "Wave")

; Register hotkeys:
Hotkey(config.MasterUp, vol_MasterUp)
Hotkey(config.MasterDown, vol_MasterDown)
Hotkey(config.WaveUp, vol_WaveUp)
Hotkey(config.WaveDown, vol_WaveDown)

; --- Function Definitions ---

ChangeVolume(config, G, Prefix, ComponentType := "Master")
  SoundSet(Prefix config.Step, ComponentType)
  G.Control["Master"].Value := Round(SoundGet("Master"))
  G.Control["Wave"].Value := Round(SoundGet("Wave"))
  G.Show("x" config.PosX " y" config.PosY)
  HideWindow := Func("HideWindow").bind(G)
  SetTimer(HideWindow, -config.DisplayTime)
