Var := expression
Evaluates an expression and stores the result in a variable.
Var := expression
- Var
The name of the variable in which to store the result of expression.
- Expression
See expressions and the examples below for details.
Note that this parameter is not optional. To empty the variable, specify an empty string. For example:
x := ""
The := operator is optimized so that it performs just as quickly as the = operator for simple cases such as the following:
x := y ; Same performance as x = %y% x := 5 ; Same performance as x = 5. x := "literal string" ; Same performance as x = literal string.
The words true
and false
are built-in constants containing 1 and 0. They can be used to make a script more readable as in these examples:
CaseSensitive := false ContinueSearch := true
It is possible to create a pseudo-array with this command and any others that accept an OutputVar. This is done by making OutputVar contain a reference to another variable, e.g. Array%i% := Var/100 + 5
. See Arrays for more information.
Expressions, IF (expression), Functions, EnvSet, Arrays
Var := 3 Var := "literal string" Var := Price * (1 - Discount/100) Finished := not Done or A_Index > 100 if not Finished { FileAppend, %NewText%`n, %TargetFile% return } else ExitApp