Var := expression

Auto Hotkey

Var := expression

Evaluates an expression and stores the result in a variable.

Var := expression



The name of the variable in which to store the result of expression.


See expressions and the examples below for details.

Note that this parameter is not optional. To empty the variable, specify an empty string. For example: x := ""


The := operator is optimized so that it performs just as quickly as the = operator for simple cases such as the following:

x := y  ; Same performance as x = %y%
x := 5  ; Same performance as x = 5.
x := "literal string"  ; Same performance as x = literal string.

The words true and false are built-in constants containing 1 and 0. They can be used to make a script more readable as in these examples:

CaseSensitive := false
ContinueSearch := true

It is possible to create a pseudo-array with this command and any others that accept an OutputVar. This is done by making OutputVar contain a reference to another variable, e.g. Array%i% := Var/100 + 5. See Arrays for more information.


Expressions, IF (expression), Functions, EnvSet, Arrays


Var := 3
Var := "literal string"
Var := Price * (1 - Discount/100)

Finished := not Done or A_Index > 100
if not Finished
    FileAppend, %NewText%`n, %TargetFile%