Numpad 000 Key

Auto Hotkey

Numpad 000 Key

This example script makes the special 000 key that appears on certain keypads into an equals key. You can change the action by replacing the Send, = line with line(s) of your choice.

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#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 5  ; Allow multiple threads for this hotkey.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
; Above: Use the $ to force the hook to be used, which prevents an
; infinite loop since this subroutine itself sends Numpad0, which
; would otherwise result in a recursive call to itself.
DelayBetweenKeys := 30 ; Adjust this value if it doesn't work.
if A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey
    if A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < DelayBetweenKeys
        if Numpad0Count = ""
            Numpad0Count := 2 ; i.e. This one plus the prior one.
        else if Numpad0Count = 0
            Numpad0Count := 2
            ; Since we're here, Numpad0Count must be 2 as set by
            ; prior calls, which means this is the third time the
            ; the key has been pressed. Thus, the hotkey sequence
            ; should fire:
            Numpad0Count := 0
            Send, = ; ******* This is the action for the 000 key
        ; In all the above cases, we return without further action:
        CalledReentrantly := true
; Otherwise, this Numpad0 event is either the first in the series
; or it happened too long after the first one (e.g. perhaps the
; user is holding down the Numpad0 key to auto-repeat it, which
; we want to allow).  Therefore, after a short delay -- during
; which another Numpad0 hotkey event may re-entrantly call this
; subroutine -- we'll send the key on through if no reentrant
; calls occurred:
Numpad0Count := 0
CalledReentrantly := false
; During this sleep, this subroutine may be reentrantly called
; (i.e. a simultaneous "thread" which runs in parallel to the
; call we're in now):
Sleep, %DelayBetweenKeys%
if CalledReentrantly = true ; Another "thread" changed the value.
    ; Since it was called reentrantly, this key event was the first in
    ; the sequence so should be suppressed (hidden from the system):
    CalledReentrantly := false
; Otherwise it's not part of the sequence so we send it through normally.
; In other words, the *real* Numpad0 key has been pressed, so we want it
; to have its normal effect:
Send, {Numpad0}