Easy Window Dragging (requires XP/2k/NT)
Normally, a window can only be dragged by clicking on its title bar. This script extends that so that any point inside a window can be dragged. To activate this mode, hold down CapsLock or the middle mouse button while clicking, then drag the window to a new position.
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; Note: You can optionally release Capslock or the middle mouse button after ; pressing down the mouse button rather than holding it down the whole time. ~MButton & LButton:: CapsLock & LButton:: CoordMode, Mouse ; Switch to screen/absolute coordinates. MouseGetPos, EWD_MouseStartX, EWD_MouseStartY, EWD_MouseWin WinGetPos, EWD_OriginalPosX, EWD_OriginalPosY,,, ahk_id %EWD_MouseWin% WinGetMinMax, EWD_WinState, ahk_id %EWD_MouseWin% if !EWD_WinState ; Only if the window isn't maximized SetTimer, EWD_WatchMouse, 10 ; Track the mouse as the user drags it. return EWD_WatchMouse: GetKeyState, EWD_LButtonState, LButton, P if !EWD_LButtonState ; Button has been released, so drag is complete. { SetTimer,, off return } GetKeyState, EWD_EscapeState, Escape, P if EWD_EscapeState ; Escape has been pressed, so drag is cancelled. { SetTimer,, off WinMove, ahk_id %EWD_MouseWin%,, %EWD_OriginalPosX%, %EWD_OriginalPosY% return } ; Otherwise, reposition the window to match the change in mouse coordinates ; caused by the user having dragged the mouse: CoordMode, Mouse MouseGetPos, EWD_MouseX, EWD_MouseY WinGetPos, EWD_WinX, EWD_WinY,,, ahk_id %EWD_MouseWin% SetWinDelay, -1 ; Makes the below move faster/smoother. WinMove, ahk_id %EWD_MouseWin%,, % EWD_WinX + EWD_MouseX - EWD_MouseStartX, % EWD_WinY + EWD_MouseY - EWD_MouseStartY EWD_MouseStartX := EWD_MouseX ; Update for the next timer-call to this subroutine. EWD_MouseStartY := EWD_MouseY return