WEB-RAMP-TS, Step 2. Prepare Your RAMP-TS Screen Definitions for Deployment

VLF Deployment Check Lists


WEB-RAMP-TS, Step 2. Prepare Your RAMP-TS Screen Definitions for Deployment

In your development environment your RAMP-TS screen definitions are kept in the Axes Screens folder, typically named \aXes\ts\screens. If you used Private Definition Folder(s) to segment your screen definitions, these will appear as sub-folders of the Axes screens folder.



How to Do It


Check definition files


Check that any example or testing static or dynamic table definitions have been removed from the respective definition files.


These would typically be unused in the application now - and may fail if they are deployed to a production environment.



Open the Tables_Static.txt and Tables_Dynamic.txt files in your private folder if you have one, or the axes\ts\screens folder, and remove any table definitions that are not required.



Add aXes files to a save file

Copy these files from your development Axes screens folder and/or any associated private definition to a save file:

·        application_definition.css (plus application_definition_*.css)

·      application_definition.js

·      Extension_*.js

·      screen_*.js

·      screens.jsn

·      Tables_Static.txt

·      Tables_Dynamic.txt

·      Userenv.js

·      *.xml

Note that some of these files may not exist in your system.

Also include the uf_sy420_rts.js file if your application uses shared scripts. This file is located in the ts/skins folder or your private definition folder.

If the application is to be displayed in a language other than English, the modified text files, Texts_Cust_*.txt also need to be deployed.

Files named like N.scn represent a single 5250 screen definition. Normally these files are only used while doing RAMP-TS development and do not need to be deployed to execution/run time target systems. You would only include these files in the deployment package if you want to allow people in the target environment to modify screen definitions.


First create a save file using the CRTSAVF command, and then use the IBM i save command to save the files to the save file.

For example this command saves the contents of the  /axes directory to a save file:

SAV DEV('/qsys.lib/savefilelib.lib/RAMPTSF.file') OBJ(('/axes')) 


This command saves the contents of /axes and /axesdemo directory:

SAV DEV('/qsys.lib/savefilelib.lib/RAMPTSF.file') OBJ(('/axes') ('/axesdemo'))


This command saves the required files in a private folder to a save file:

SAV DEV('/QSYS.lib/QGPL.lib/RAMPTSF.file') OBJ(('/axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/application_definition*.css') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/application_definition.js') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/Extension_*.js') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/screen_*.js') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/screens.jsn') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/Tables_*.txt') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/Userenv.js') ('/Axes/ts/screens/MyFolder/*.xml') ('/Axes/ts/skins/uf_sy420_rts.js')) TGTRLS(V5R3M0) 


If you wish to enter this command freehand from the command line, use CALL QCMD. Pressing F11 from within QCMD will provide you with space to enter the SAV command with many objects.