WEB2A, Step 1. Pre-Requisite Actions and Other Considerations

VLF Deployment Check Lists


WEB2A, Step 1. Pre-Requisite Actions and Other Considerations




How to Do It


Licensing requirements for the target system

LANSA for the Web license.

The license needs to be on the Windows application server.

No licences are required on the Windows web server machine.


If you need more information, see <a href="http://www.lansa.com/support/licensing/index.htm" class="LinkHyperlink">http://www.lansa.com/support/licensing/index.htm</a>.




WAM support

If you intend to use WAMs, you need Internet Explorer V6.0 (or higher) and the MSXML 4.0 SP2 parser installed.




A Framework application ready for deployment

You need to have an executable version of your Framework application ready for deployment

For more information see: <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.chm::/lansa/lansa048_3430.htm','main');"> Deploying a Framework Version </a> in the Framework Guide.



Establish the minimum supported configuration (MSC)

You need to formally define the minimum configuration your solution will viably support, including:

·      Minimum hardware requirements

·      Minimum software requirements

·      Supported screen resolutions

·      Minimum networking capabilities

·      Maximum data volumes.


A formal MSC will:

·      Inform decisions about the overall solution cost

·      Establish the environment required to test the deployment of the solution or any patch/hotfix made to it.

·      Raise management's awareness of the risk in implementing a "sub-MSC" solution.

For more information refer to <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.CHM::/lansa/lansa048_0040.htm','main');">Application Performance</A> in the Framework Guide.