WEB2A, Step 4. Install the Deployment Material on the Target System
Note that in most production configurations the Windows web server and the Windows application server are two separate machines.
Step |
Activity |
How to Do It |
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Install Visual LANSA from CD |
On the target application server install Visual LANSA either as an Independent Workstation or Independent Server. During the installation, in the Partition Initialization dialog select: · Visual LANSA Framework · Enable for the Web · You might want to also select the demonstration system in order to test your LANSA installation. NOTE: if your application uses WAMs, you must first install Visual LANSA, configure the partition to be RDMLX enabled and only then import Visual LANSA Framework using the Partition Initialize option from the Development Environment logon screen.
Accept default settings. If you need more information, see <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm','main');"> Installing LANSA on Windows Guide </A> and <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.chm::/lansa/vlf3075.htm','main');"> Visual LANSA Framework Guide</a>. There is no need to configure the Visual LANSA Framework - simply import the Framework objects into your Visual LANSA system.
If deploying a VLF.NET Application, install Microsoft's .NET Framework on end-user PCs |
See <A HREF="webnet_0045.htm">Install Microsoft's .NET Framework on end-user PCs</A>. |
Install LANSA for the Web on the Windows server from CD |
On the target Windows server install: · LANSA for the Web Server · LANSA for the Web Administrator |
Install it to the same directory as Visual LANSA. If you have multiple LANSA systems, use the same LANSA configuration as for the LANSA for the Web system. Accept default installation settings. If you need more information, see <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm','main');"> Installing LANSA on Windows Guide</A>.
Ensure you have a web license |
Ensure the target application server has a Web license. |
If you need more information, see <a href="http://www.lansa.com/support/licensing/index.htm" class="LinkHyperlink">http://www.lansa.com/support/licensing/index.htm</a>.
Configure LANSA for the Web |
1. Ensure IIS is running by entering this URL into the browser running on the Web Server: http://localhost
If you need more information, see <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm::/iwinb3_0240.htm','main');">Microsoft IIS and the IIS Plug-in</a>. Use the iisreset command from a command window if you have problems. |
2. Make sure Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) is installed by locating the file wscript.exe. |
3. Configure LANSA Listener on Windows Data/Application Server |
Follow the steps in <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm::/gs07220.htm','main');"> Configure LANSA Listener on Windows Data/Application Server</a>.
4. Create User on Windows Data/Application Server |
Follow the steps in <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm::/gs07270.htm','main');">Create User on Windows Data/Application Server</a>.
5. Configure Data/Application Server |
Follow steps 1 and 2 in <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm::/gs09000.htm','main');">Configure Data/Application Server</a>.
6. Verify IIS Plug-in Communications with Data/Application Server |
Follow the steps in <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa041.chm::/gs07420.htm','main');"> Configure IIS Plug-in Communications with Data/Application Server</a>.
7. Verify that the Web Server is ready to use. |
Verify that L4Web is installed and operational on the target system |
Make sure the partition is web enabled. Execute a LANSA for the Web process or function.
Make sure LANSA for the WEB is configured to support Server Side Include |
Use the LANSA for the Web Administrator to indicate that your system will use SSI. |
Start the LANSA for the Web Administrator and open your local configuration. Choose the Maintain Systems option from the Tools menu. Select the appropriate LANSA system and click on the Change button. Make sure the Server Side Include (SSI) support check box is checked. |
Create a private working folder for the Framework |
You need to create a <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.chm::/lansa/vlf1995.htm','main');">Private Working Folder</A> to upload the files required to run the Visual LANSA Framework in the browser. Create this directory as a subdirectory of the LANSA for the Web images directory on your web server. For example, if your LANSA for the Web images directory was named IMAGES, you might create a directory named <C:\Program Files\<LANSA>\Webserver\ IMAGES\VLF_Private_Folder. The private working directory needs to be accessible via your web browser. To test, enter a URL like this: http://<your host>/images/VLF_Private_Folder
Where <your host> is the IP address of your LANSA for the Web server.
If you cannot view the contents of this folder you need to enable it for directory browsing within your web server. For IIS web servers, this may be done by: · Opening Internet Information Services from Administrative Tools in the Control panel · Selecting the images directory from the list of web sites · Displaying the properties of the directory and checking the 'Directory Browsing' box.
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Create a directory to keep temporary files in |
You need to create a directory to keep temporary Framework files in. Create this directory as a subdirectory of the LANSA for the Web image directory (typically called IMAGES).
For example, if your LANSA for the Web images directory is named IMAGES, you might create a directory named:
<C>:\Program Files\<LANSA>\Webserver\ IMAGES\VLF_Temporary_Files If you want more information, see <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.chm::/lansa/lansa048_0545.htm','main');">What is a temporary directory and what is it used for?</A>
Verify that the temporary directory is accessible to Web Browsers |
For example if you created VLF_Temporary_Files as a subdirectory of real directory IMAGES or LANSAIMG (in pre version 11.0 versions of LANSA) open your Internet browser and in the address bar type:
http://<your host>/images/VLF_Temporary_Files/
Where <your host> is the IP address of your LANSA for the Web server. The browser should display the contents of directory VLF_Temporary_Files in directory IMAGES or LANSAIMG. Note: Your web server will interpret the real directory name LANSAIMG as virtual directory name /IMAGES/.
Install the deployment material |
Install the package by double-clicking the package .MSI file to the same directory where you have installed the LANSA system (for example C:\Program Files\<LANSA>). The setup program automatically launches the Framework. When the Framework is first launched executable files are copied and the Framework is displayed. The application is ready to be used. If you encounter problems during the installation, check the MSI*.log file in the end user's defined %TEMP% folder, for example: MSI2ce4c.log. As well as installing the Application, a standard Windows program menu folder will be created for each Application using the Company and Application descriptions as folder names. This means that every Application built with the same Company details and installed on the same PC will be grouped together. |
Unzip your server files files to the web server |
Unzip the Bnn_webserver.zip file(s) and move the appropriate files to the images folder and the private working folder.
It is important that the files end up in the correct directory. |
Execute the Administrator's Console to specify your system settings |
Use the Administrator's Console to maintain system settings and clear temporary state data. To execute the Administrator's Console, run this URL from an Internet Explorer workstation: http://<your host>/cgi-bin/lansaweb?procfun+vf_pr004+vfu0402+<ppp>
Where <your host> is the IP address of your LANSA for the Web server and <ppp> is the partition to be used. Click the Save and Verify Values button to save these system settings. The resulting web form should indicate that all the tests performed were PASSED.
If you cannot display the console, make sure that the listener is started in the Communications Administrator. Use these system settings: Is the Framework Available?: Yes
Message when Framework not available: A message to show to users when all Frameworks using this partition are disabled. Real directory for temporary files, for example: C:\Program Files\<LANSA>\WebServer\Images\VLF_Temporary_Files\ Virtual directory for temporary files:/images/VLF_Temporary_Files/ If you need more information see <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM(' lansa048.chm::/lansa/lansa048_2285.htm','main');">Execute Administrator's Console</A>. |
Verify the software installation was okay |
To verify the LANSA for the Web component of the installation or upgrade was okay start Internet Explorer and execute this URL: http://<your host>/cgi-bin/lansaweb?procfun+vf_pr004+vfu0401+<ppp>
The resulting window will show you details about the installed Framework.
Execute the Framework application |
Execute the Framework application. Note that you need to explictly indicate the partition to which you have deployed the application, otherwise you will be executing the Framework against your development partition. You can do this by specifying the partition name in the URL as in the examples on the right, or you can open the vf_Sy001_System_xxx_xxx.htm file and change the value of the var __Partition setting to point to the partition. Also see the topic <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.CHM::/lansa/lansa048_2915.htm ','main');">The URL to start my deployed VLF web browser application is too complex for users to reliably type in to their browsers </A> in the Framework guide. |
Typically starting URLs are formatted like this example: http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/../vf_Sy001_System_ENG_BASE.htm?partition=ppp
For example: http://<your host>/images/Private/vf_sy001_system_ENG_BASE.HTM?partition=mpx
If the application does not execute, see the messages in x_err.log and run a trace. For example: http://<your host>/images/Private/vf_sy001_system_ENG_BASE.HTM?trace=y+developer=y
We recommend you have a look at <A HREF="javascript:void(0);openCHM('lansa048.CHM::/lansa/lansa048_0900.htm','main');">Web Application Start Options</A> in the Framework guide to see what you can do when you launch the application.